Tested genetic therapy to facilitate mice pain


Tested genetic therapy to facilitate mice pain 4472_1
Tested genetic therapy to facilitate mice pain

Most studies of scientists are carried out on laboratory mice, after which part of the studies can be transferred for further testing on volunteers. Genetic engineering is considered one of the most promising techniques for finding methods for treating from a variety of diseases, but the American scientists managed to create on the basis of its technology to get rid of pain.

Scientists from the United States stated that with the help of their method, it was possible to suppress the activity of the gene responsible for pain. This became possible thanks to the genetic editors of CAS9 and ZNF. An article with scientific results on the disconnection of the pain signal with the help of gene therapy was published in the Science Translational Medicine.

Representatives of science have long found enough that sensitive neurons are in the spinal cord, which are responsible for pain in many types of living beings on Earth, but it was not possible to find a way to suppress pain, although such attempts were made by scientists with different countries of the world, with various scientific competences.

Find the effective method of suppressing pain was managed with a number of people who have a rare disease, it is impossible to perceive the pain at the cell level. Such cases in the world are extremely rare, but experts interested in the peculiarity of the organism of people immune to painful sensations.

It turned out that the immunity of individual people to pain syndromes was possible due to mutations that turn off the SCN9A gene, but such cases occur extremely rarely. The first experiments on laboratory mice have shown that with the help of gene therapy, it is possible to turn off the gene that is responsible for the perception of pain, but each individual individual has been different in the level.

It is too early to judge the first results on the effect on the ability to turn off pain, because Studies are only in the first stages of work on the study of such a technique, but if their experiments continue to show similar effectiveness, then volunteers can be attracted for subsequent testing stages.

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