They went to the roadway, stretched poster. Six people will judge criminal articles for the share in Molodechno

They went to the roadway, stretched poster. Six people will judge criminal articles for the share in Molodechno 4460_1
They went to the roadway, stretched poster. Six people will judge criminal articles for the share in Molodechno 4460_2
They went to the roadway, stretched poster. Six people will judge criminal articles for the share in Molodechno 4460_3

The Molodenen district department of the Investigative Committee completed the investigation into the criminal case on active participation in group actions, roughly violating the public order, which caused a violation of the work of the transport, said the official representative of the Office of the Investigative Committee on the Minsk Region Elena Bruven.

The materials of the case found that on November 21 of last year about 10:00, a few people aged 20 to 33 years old came to the roadway the Great Hotel in Molodechno and stretched the poster, breaking the movement of road transport. A few minutes later they hid.

- According to investigators, the accused in advance distributed roles and discussed the campaign in the Telegram messenger chat. So, a 40-year-old woman from a segment of matter produced a banner where the inscription of radical orientation was applied. Next, the group of people went on a pedestrian crossing and stretched poster. Another man watched the surrounding environment in order to avoid the arrest of the defendants. With their actions, the accused prevented the participants in the road, they blocked the passage of public, special and other transport, "they told in the SC.

Investigators were interrogated by the accused, victims and witnesses. Videos from surveillance cameras on which the circumstances of the crime are recorded and are discussed to the criminal case materials. In a mobile phone, one of the defendants was found a correspondence, which was studied by the investigator. It has been established that after committing a crime, the participants discussed the need to send photographs to telegrams and channels, as well as the possibility of holding new similar shares.

During the search in the basement, one of the men has a banner with an inscription used in the execution of a crime, at the place of work of one of the women - paint.

During the interrogation, five accused gave confessions, a 40-year-old woman from the dacha tests refused. She was charged under Part 6 of Art. 16, part 1 Art. 342 (Actuation in active group actions, roughly violating public order and entailed a violation of the work of transport, in the absence of signs of a more serious crime) of the Criminal Code.

- The actions of each of the five other feasures are qualified under Part 1 of Art. 342 (Active participation in group actions, roughly violating public order and entailed a violation of the work of transport, in the absence of signs of a more serious crime) of the Criminal Code, "Elena Krunyna reported.

For two women, a preventive measure was applied in the form of a personal guarantee, to two men - in the form of a subscription of the unseason and proper behavior, to two more men, a preventive measure was applied in the form of detention.

The investigation of the criminal case is completed. Materials transferred to the prosecutor to send to court.

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