12 films that affected important questions, and we understood it only now


Because of the amazing plot and high-quality pictures, we sometimes do not notice in the film the secret message, which masterfully veiled director. Moreover, it can be hidden not only in a certain scene or between the rows in the characters' dialogues, but even in one word or, it would seem, in the ordinary subject.

We in adme.ru revised some famous films and found in them important problems and hidden meanings, which the director hid in the depths of the plot for the most attentive kinomans. Without spoilers, it was not possible in this selection, so be careful when reading.

Mum! (2017)

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© Mother! / Paramount Pictures.

The main character has a very strong and deep connection with the house. She with trepidation belongs to each room and the thing in it, considering it also necessary to constantly strengthen this relationship. It does it. Mom will no doubt stirring the yellow powder in a glass of water and drinks this drink day after day. She uses the same powder when plastering the walls in one of the rooms of its monastery. Yellow color of this pigment sends us to Novelty Charlotes Perkins Gilman "Yellow Wallpaper". It turns out to be sharpened in her room with yellow wallpaper and passes a long way before it realizes that she needs to be released not only from this closed space, but also from the shackles of patriarchal traditions. The same we see in the film: the heroine only remains in the shade of her husband, the Creator and is doomed to passive observation of what is happening, without having the opportunity and internal force to change something.

Silence lambs (1991)

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© The Silence Of The Lambs / Orion Pictures

But in the "silence of lambs" we, on the contrary, are watching a strong woman who seeks to build their own careers, despite the artistic characterization of the character in many scenes. Clarissa turns out in an exclusively male world by choosing the profession of the FBI agent. Now from the collection of evidence at the crime scene to ordinary runs or a trip to the elevator - everywhere you can see attention from men and the minimum number of women, and then their complete absence. However, the image of the volitional heroine was noticeably shifted to the background, as the other most important character would take over the spectators much more. Therefore, an attempt to give the beginning of a new era of strong, intelligent and independent kinheroin in Hollywood in those days was not crowned with success. But now in this picture, we are easily guessing the ideas of feminism and the sensations that every woman is experiencing in society.

Joker (2019)

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© Joker / Warner Bros. Pictures.

The inscription on the poster with which Arthur in a clown costume dances on the street in an attempt to attract potential buyers, contains two completely different meanings. In the most obvious translation of the phrase, the Everything Must GO means "everything should leave", which is, first of all, to bind to the sale of goods that should go from the counters, that is, be sold out. Secondly, this phrase laid a deep meaning, which permeates the whole film and brighter is displayed in the final. "Everything should leave" - ​​this can clearly see the appeal to the soulless, limited society, in which the main character turns out to be closed. Arthur predicts events that inevitably happen soon - everything that exists in the glad, all its degraded residents should leave, disappear. The hero appears the Prophet, whom, however, everyone sees only as a jester and are not ready to seriously perceive his words nor his actions or his own.

Mr. Nobody (2009)

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© mr. Nobody / Pan-europeenne

With Latin, the name of the main character of the film, Nemo, translates as "no one" and refers us to the hero of the works of Julin. Captain Nemo refused his past life and even a name, becoming nobody and changing his fate thanks to his own choice. This hero hoped to find peace of the seaflings and escape from the injustice of life and public oppression. But the ocean never improved his life. Water, which also appears in the life of the hero "Mr. Nobody", due to the consequences of a certain choice, it causes the death of a municipality, which never learned to swim, although the phrase is more suitable here "I have not learned to live." In the pursuit of happiness, he is trying to plan his future and find the right combination of all events, while losing himself. Thanks to the reference to the character, we can see the problem of the problem of choosing a life path and search for your own place in accordance with personal desires, and not expectations of the public.

Guardians of the Galaxy. Part 2 (2017)

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© Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 / marvel Studios

If you are sure that you watched an ordinary superhero film, in which good wins evil once again, then this is not quite so. And more precisely, everything is not so simple. Guardians are really forced to overcome the antagonist, but at the same time they are also fighting with a vicious internal "I". It is easily guessed thanks to the name of the villain - ego. That is, from the point of view of psychology, the film shows the fight against themselves. The villain in this picture appears the highest possible by a centric person who wanted only to benefit from reuniting with his son Peter Qwill and take possession of the whole world. Peter himself gets closer to the villain just because it goes on the own egoism: he wants to find his father, so makes the team divided and unintentionally substitute his friends. On the planet Ego Quill, it is increasingly amenable to its own desires and needs, gradually moving away from the allies. However, in the final, still aware of the weakness of his own ego and wins him represented by his negligent father.

Resident Evil 4: Life after death (2010)

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© Resident Evil: Afterlife / Constantin Film

In this classic horror movie, a reflection of mankind is hidden, which died inside. Zombies, deprived of the definition of the soul and mind and ceased to be a holistic organism, are an example of the outlined people who lost the inner world, and the external was only a meaningless shell. From this already follow certain consequences. Zombie people are unable to unite with other people, feel and think. At the same time, they lose their composure and become easily susceptible to external stimuli, uncontrollably leaving each temptation and wanting only to quench their primary instinctive desires. The internal boundaries are destroyed, which were established by the norms of morality, which becomes the end point in the definition of this person.

John Piq (2014)

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© John Wick / Lionsgate Entertainment

A classic fighter with Kianu Rivz in the lead role seems not to have a deep film at first glance. But in fact, it has advantageous meanings that explain the culture from the point of view of the emotional fullness of each film of this franchise. From the first "John Whitch" you can see how the hero passes through the stages of the loss of loved ones - first the wife, and then left it after the death of the dog - and, perhaps, preparing for its own imminent death. In the first film, the franchises we see the initial stage - denial: John is not ready to put up with the death of his wife and does not take his own criminal past. In the second film, the hero is full of anger. After all, the house in which he unsuccessfully tried to keep everything that reminds of the deceased spouse, destroy that it becomes the starting point for the start of a new stage. Finally, in the third part, we are seeing how the hero appears to trade. The PEC is trying to resist in this world, pulling out a larger length of life. Following this model, in further pictures we will be able to see how the hero passes through depression and still achieves the adoption stage.

Passengers (2016)

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© Passengers / Columbia Pictures

In the decision of Jim, wake the Aurora and thereby depriving her of that life, which she had been dreaming about for so long, a ethical problem was concluded. Before making this act, the hero lives alone on the ship for a whole year, and then even wants to go to open space without a costume. But, seeing Aurora in sleep capsule, he finds another solution to his problem. Of course, the viewer first passes the entire heavy path along with Jim and cannot but understand its motives. There is an important question here: when the violation of ethical principles can already be considered as a violation, where are these boundaries? In the film you can find a hidden answer associated with the fact that everything happened is no coincidence as stated in the slogan. Awakening Aurora saved not only Jim from an imminent death, but also all the other passengers who were in danger because of serious breakdowns on the ship. That is, Jim took away one life from Aurora, waking it up, but she gave her another life, no less happy, and plus it helped to save the rest of the inhabitants of the ship.

Beauty in American (1999)

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© American Beauty / Dreamworks Pictures

Despite the fact that the leader's leader's leader has, it would seem, a wonderful family and good, stable work, he remains unsatisfied life and has already reached the period of the middle-aged crisis. His dreams and thoughts are much larger, and he himself is much happier himself than in reality. And if we look at this hero and his surrounding is better, you will be convinced that neither his family, nor his neighbors, nor his colleagues and things affect the man's own life. And all his existence is imprisonment not only in obsessive thoughts about the attractive friend of his daughter, but also in ideas about unrealized due to the expectations of a typical capitalist society by potential. Lester literally is in the prison of a tiny cabinet and his own home with lattice partitions on the windows. Only with the form of a happy family - only a hypocritical environment, and work - bringing money, but not pleasure, the lesson whose choice was due to the standards of success taken in society. And now, wherever the hero be, he feels his own helplessness and, in principle, it does not want to take responsibility for his destiny. He does not want to take a reality, but to realize all his dreams to life is simply afraid because of condemnation, which becomes the main problem of the whole picture.

Mad Max: Rare Road (2015)

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© Mad Max: Fury Road / Ratpac Entertainment

The main characters pass in the film cycle, which was still marked by the Greek philosopher in the border and is divided into three categories: stay, outcome, return. They describe our existence in general. We first are in full solitude in the womb, then we born and get satellites of life, and then again we turn out alone after our death. In the film, the starting point of Max is the desert in which he is alone with him. Next occurs its outcome when he goes into the world of people and meets Furiosa and its allies. And at the end of the picture, the hero again turns out to be in the desert, alone. A similar path passes and Furios, which first stays in the citadel, then runs away from his master and goes on the search for a fertile locality in the company 5 women, and then returns to the initial point.

With widespread eyes (1999)

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© Eyes Wide Shut / Warner Bros. Pictures.

The film has a scene in the cafe "Sonata", where the main character of Bill meets the musician and a long-time friend Nick Nickname. From communication with him, he accidentally finds out that Nick plays a piano with blindfolded in secret places, whose address will only learn an hour before the speech. Bill becomes a witness of a friend's conversation on the phone with the next client and accidentally recognize the password to enter the mansion - "Fidelio", which means "faithful". This is also the name of Ludwig Van Beethoven's opera. It tells her the story of a woman who hid under the name Fidelio to free up her tender husband from the dark dungeon, where he was thrown to languish in anticipation of death, and thanks to his loyalty, she still was able to save the spouse. This small reference in the film predicts the further fate of the main character, which is exposed to the secret party, but the woman hiding under the mask saves him from punishment, however, at the cost of his own life.

Platform (2019)

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© El Hoyo / Basque Films

The film tells about a prison in the form of a tower with a huge hole in the middle for moving food between each floor with prisoners. In this design, you can see a religious reference to the CHA circles, which are presented in the Dante "Divine Comedy". Of course, the floors in prison are much more than levels in the underworld, however, in the classical literary work, and in the film you can feel their infinity. And each of the floors in both cases is becoming increasingly vicious and uncontrolled than the previous one. In addition, the structure of the higher-to-lower structure resembles a connection with paradise and God. It is always towers over a person, and the vision of the purgatory is easily associated in a film with a zero level, which is intended only for the elect. People who live on the upper floors of the platform are considered to be lucky, because they managed to get into an inaccessible space with the best benefits. However, this system leads us to thoughts and how everything is unhonestly distributed between the higher and lower levels. After all, with the advent of the authorities, the lower, the lower, which only receive the remains of all benefits are doomed, on the film - food. It falls at the beginning to the Favorites that do not care at all, whether anyone else will remain.

And what kind of hidden problems and meanings in films did you pay attention?

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