The emergency mode in Washington extended for 15 days - to the inauguration of Byyden


The emergency mode in Washington extended for 15 days - to the inauguration of Byyden

The emergency mode in Washington extended for 15 days - to the inauguration of Byyden

Almaty. Jan. 7. KazTAG - emergency regime (emergency) in Washington extended for 15 days - to the inauguration of the new US president Joseph Biden, reports BBC.

"Washington Mayor Muriel Bauzer extended a state of emergency for 15 days to the inauguration of the new President Joe Bayden. The commendant hour is already available in the city - it was introduced from 18.00 environments to 6.00 Thursday (from 23.00 to 11.00 Greenwich) because of the pogroms on the Capitol Hill, who were committed by the supporters of Donald Trump, "the reports on Thursday.

Dozens of people are detained for violation of the curfew.

"Many people arrived at the Arms District, in order to participate in violence and destruction, and participated in violence and destruction. They used chemical stimuli, bricks, bottles and firearms, "said Bauzer.

As noted, the extension of the CHC regime will allow the city authorities to introduce a curfew, strengthen emergency services, organize the distribution of essential items and use other additional resources to protect the population.

Earlier after the speech of Trump at the rally in Washington, on which he argued that he was allegedly "stolen" the victory, his supporters broke into the Capitol. After the start of the riots, the current president called on the "trampists" to divorce home, but continued to assert about the illegality of the election results. By the time the participants of the riots broke into the capitol and staged pogroms, the legislators managed to evacuate and save from the destruction of bulletins with the voices of the electors, which were decisive at the past elections. As a result, the special forces displaced the protesters from the Capitol and the approval of the election results resumed.

Recall on November 3, 2020, the candidate from the Democratic Party, Joseph Biden, scored the necessary voices of the electors and won the presidential elections in the United States. It will be the 46th president of the United States. The 45th President - a representative of the Republican Party Donald Trump could not re-release for a second term.

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