Step-by-step manual for setting up and using Nodejsscan for SAST

Step-by-step manual for setting up and using Nodejsscan for SAST 4370_1

This article presents a step-by-step guide to setting up and using Nodejsscan for SAST. Readers will be able to familiarize themselves with the practical example of the program installation.

Nodejsscan is a static code scanner that is used to search for security deficiencies in Node.js applications. It should be accurately understood how nodejsscan for SATS can be used if such a need arose.

Installation, Setup and Using Nodejsscan Scanner
  • The user installs Postgres and configures it (SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL) in core /
  • Next, it downloads the Nodejsscan package from the GitHub repository by turning on this link.
Step-by-step manual for setting up and using Nodejsscan for SAST 4370_2

After that you need to go to the nodejsscan directory and install all the necessary components using the command:

PIP3 Install -R Requirements.txt

Step-by-step manual for setting up and using Nodejsscan for SAST 4370_3
  • You must execute this command (Python3 once to create the necessary entries in the database.
  • The "python3" command is performed in order to test the medium.
  • Install the GUNICORN required for the correct operation of Nodejsscan, you can use the "GUNICORN -B 19090 AP: App: App" command. It is needed for the production environment.
Step-by-step manual for setting up and using Nodejsscan for SAST 4370_4

This tool will run Nodejsscan at: http://0.0.0:9090. If you need to fix, install Debug to "True" in core / With the periodic update of this tool, the Nodejsscan has a minimum number of false positives.

Step-by-step manual for setting up and using Nodejsscan for SAST 4370_5
Command Line Interface (CLI) Nodejsscan

Command Line Interface or "CLI" allows this tool to integrate with DevSecops CI / CD conveyors. The results will be presented to the user in JSON format.

Step-by-step manual for setting up and using Nodejsscan for SAST 4370_6

Docker images can be configured for Nodejsscan using the following steps:

  • First, you need to make sure that the Docker itself is installed in the system.
  • The user launches the Docker service using the command:

Service Docker Start.

  • Next, it performs the following command:

Docker Build -t Nodejsscan

  • Then, finally, it enters this command to run the application:

Docker Run -it -p 9090: 9090 Nodejsscan

Demonstration of the whole process on a practical example
  • The user tested this tool on a repository containing incomplete and vulnerable code.
  • The Nodejsscan application is compatible with the .zip format files that have been loaded into it. So, you first need to compress your .JS code to the .zip archive, and then open the browser and download a compressed file.
  • After downloading the zip file, the tool will show the user a list of all vulnerabilities.
Step-by-step manual for setting up and using Nodejsscan for SAST 4370_7
Step-by-step manual for setting up and using Nodejsscan for SAST 4370_8

The author of the translated article: Sudhansu Shekhar.

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