Remote knowledge: National Education Features in the COVID-19 Epoch

Remote knowledge: National Education Features in the COVID-19 Epoch 434_1

All about what you need to know schoolchildren, students, parents and teachers on the procedure for education during the period of emergency.

Exams are not canceled, but knowledge check is simplified

Pandemic made serious adjustments to the organization of universal education. In this and next school year, three centralized exams are planned to receive a centralized exam needed to obtain a certificate of secondary education: Latvian, foreign language, mathematics.

The fourth exam (to choose from) will not be obligatory: it can be given students who are necessary for admission to a higher educational institution.

Centralized foreign language exams will be held in May so that schoolchildren will improve language knowledge after the end of the emergency in the emergency in school.

In turn, diagnostic work for schoolchildren of 3 grades will be held in March.

Spare option

If, during the passing exams in the country, an emergency will be announced or there will be no opportunity to pass the exams in person

* Exams will occur at the latest in June, additional terms - in July;

* In high school, the exams are canceled, the school year is completed with an annual assessment;

* Higher educational institutions spend their entrance exams and adjust the conditions of admission.

Junior class students, due to an emergency, extended the winter holidays, so there will be no vacation in February. Pupils of the 12th grades spring holidays will be from March 15 to 19.

And I will not go to school ... in the country - home learning

Although it was previously planned that from February 8, the first and second classes will begin to learn in person again, the government decided to leave them on the remote. The remaining schoolchildren have long been granted the granite of science remotely.

Students of professional educational institutions will also continue distance learning.

Pupils of all ages promise full-time consultations in cases where the child is experiencing serious difficulties in the learning process. Also consultations are provided for graduation classes.

Consultation should not last longer than 40 minutes, the distance between the student and the teacher is two meters, all in masks.

In universities and colleges, all practical classes are carried out remotely, an exception is only for students of high-grade medical courses. It is partly studying the practical part of the program is allowed for those specialties, where the practical part has a dominant value. But classes will be allowed only if the educational institution can ensure that the distance is observed.

The Ministry of Education promises to develop the principle of a regional approach to in those regions of Latvia, where the incidence of less, children could learn in person.

Teachers will pay: it will be necessary to work 40 hours a week

The Ministry of Education and Science plans in the 2022/23 academic year to introduce a 40-hour workload for teachers per week. In the meantime, the teacher's load is 30 hours, including training hours and optional classes, training for lessons, testing of students, individual, group work with students and consultations, class leadership, methodological work, etc.

Teacher's load Director of the school determines the number of students in the classroom and subject matter who teaches teachers.

It is also intended to establish one-time supplements to caregivers and nurse in the COVID-19 pandemic conditions in the amount of 300 euros. For these purposes, the Government will allocate 5.6 million euros from the state budget.

Supervision manual: need a certificate from the employer

The possibilities of supervision benefits are expanded, or disease assistance benefits (child care), in the period of emergency. Due to the restrictions related to COVID-19, younger students learn remotely, and parents seek the opportunity to stay at home with children.

If a child cannot attend educational institution or kindergarten as a result of emergency, and parents cannot work remotely due to the specifics of professional activities, they can ask for a special assistance allowance (supervise allowance).

(!) From January 1 to June 30, 2021, the number of calendar days and the time of payment of additional benefits on illness is not limited. The State Social Insurance Agency (VSAA) will pay a manual for the number of calendar days at the rate of 60 percent of the average wage of insurance premium insurance premiums on the allowance.

The manual is calculated from the average salary for a period of 12 calendar months, ending two months before the month, in which the period of payment of benefits begins.

The manual can receive one of the parents of a child or guardian, a receptional parent who is employed, but cannot work remotely.

If you need to care for two and more children, only one allowance is provided to one applicant.

The manual is prescribed to a child up to 10 years (inclusive) or a disabled child under 18, if the child is not allowed to attend a preschool educational institution or if school training is remotely.

The manual can be requested on the basis of a certificate from the employer that parents cannot work remotely, that is, at home. The certificate can be sent to the State Agent of Social Insurance in electronic form for E-signed by e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected],

Or in printed form - ordinary mail, or throw in a box for letters in one of the VSAA branches.

(!) The manual is not subject to income tax and social insurance tax.

For the first time in the first class: more options for electronic registration

Riga Duma Rules on the procedure for registering the child's enrollment in the 1st class of the educational institution of the capital gave parents more opportunities to register their children at school, using online forms on a single portal of state and municipal services

Now apply for a child's registration in the 1st grade in electronic form and without a secure electronic signature.

More information - on the portals of the Ministry of Education and Science, social insurance states

Prepared faith Volodin.

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