5 ways to plant potatoes. Choose the most practical


    Good afternoon, my reader. The second bread is called this vegetable in our country. The most popular representative of the Mebunk family, potatoes, grows almost at every garden plot of our big country. It prefers a light loamy soil, does not tolerate neighbors. It should be remembered that it absorbs 5-10 times more oxygen from the soil than other vegetable crops. Therefore, the soil needs regular thoroughly, namely, making a large number of organic fertilizers. In addition, it is necessary to know several correct ways to plant this culture.

    5 ways to plant potatoes. Choose the most practical 4337_1
    5 ways to plant potatoes. Choosing the most practical Maria Verbilkova

    With the help of shovels we make a depression in the soil to a depth of 10 cm, put on the bottom of the tuber. It is necessary to put it in advance - 2 weeks before disembarking, potatoes are put in a warm place. He must give sprouts. The tuber must lay in the well of a sprout. From above to sprinkle with a compost or ash. Many put there onion husks (turn off the fetus of the wireman). Slightly sprinkle the earth.


    • It is quite difficult to provide plants with all necessary for life (water, light, air, power elements);
    • It is inconvenient.

    Cooking trenches from autumn. You determine the length itself, the depth is about half a meter. At the bottom of the mixture of humus, peat, manure and straw.

    In the spring, after the snow, we cover the trench with a black polyethylene film. Upon the occurrence of optimal weather conditions, plant potatoes. From above, we fall asleep with a mixture of the ground and humus and again cover the film. After the appearance of shoots, pour out the ground again. So repeat twice, leave the third shoots. This allows you to minimize the number of weeds and keep moisture in the soil.


    • It takes a lot of time to prepare;
    • From the fall, it is necessary to plan landings, as in the spring already the placement of the potato field is not changed.

    Potatoes are planted into aisle, the distance between the tubers is 50-75 cm.

    So grow potatoes large farms.

    5 ways to plant potatoes. Choose the most practical 4337_2
    5 ways to plant potatoes. Choosing the most practical Maria Verbilkova

    During the summer, planting needs to be regularly water and dip at least three times, as well as process from the Colorad beetle. The main thing is the quality of the planting material. This is the main secret of good harvest when using such technology. In the conditions of the climate of the middle strip of Russia, the tubers quickly degenerate, and update the seating material at least once every 3-5 years.


    • It is not suitable for the conditions where there is no agricultural machinery. It is suitable for those who have a motoblock with a plow and a cultivator;
    • Requires regular care.

    The ridges should be up to 50 cm wide with aisle to 1 m. If it turns out a high angle of inclination, it is recommended to equip long drawers with the soil. In this case, there is no need to enhance potatoes.

    When the first sprouts appear, the soil must be added. So do several times. This method is also called multi-tiered due to constant submet.


    • a lot of manual labor;
    • Can be applied on small beds.

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