Vaccines, fight!


Vaccines, fight! 4319_1 - In recent years, the pharmaceutical industry has repeatedly criticized. Prosecable prices for drugs brought shareholders generous income, and tough charges in order to avoid responsibility, when something wrong with their medicines, they defended these payments, to the displeasure of many affected patients and regulatory authorities.

Thus, the pharmaceutical industry is for what to thank COVID-19: the virus reminded the world that he receives instead of all these taxes and medical insurance standing a lot of dollars. But all this is nothing compared with the fact that the world is obliged to the pharmaceutical industry now, as protection against the deadly and exhausting disease is the only thing that are desperately wishing billions of people to return their lives in the direction.

Among the various human groups in investors are more reason to be satisfied than most. The IShares MSCI WORLD shares index rose in two months by 21% after Pfizer and Biontech announced that their vaccine is effective in treating disease by more than 90%. Then quickly followed the permit for its use of the Sanitary Supervision System for Food and Drug Administration and other regulators worldwide.

The International Monetary Fund recently revised its forecast for the growth of the global economy this year, inspired by progress in the field of production of various medicines around the world. The US Congress Board is now expecting the US GDP to grow faster than expected at the beginning, partly because it expects faster and complete recovery of public confidence.

Other PFizer and Biontech leadership (NASDAQ: BNTX) followed. However, in terms of efficiency, no one has excepted the Pfizer-Biontech and Moderna vaccine, effective by 93%. The similarity of the results of these two studies instilled hope for another vaccine developed by the German company CureVac, the test of the third phase of which began in December.

But one of the most notable success of the industry has become its ability to develop effective treatment methods with various technologies. Vaccines developed by Astrazeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Novavax and Russian pharmaceuticals work in different ways, but they all demonstrate a high level of efficiency.

It is important because of the large number of new strains of the virus, which have already appeared and will appear from the SARS-COV-2 source virus. South Africa was forced to suspend the release of Astrazeneca and Oxford University due to its low efficiency against one particularly unpleasant new strain.

But the presence of several technologies involved increases the likelihood that at least one of them will correspond to any new virus mutation, and the more vaccines will be approved, the less sharp production problems, like the one that caused a fierce hostility between the EU and the United King Who is the first to receive an order for a vaccine.

From the technological and commercial point of view, the vaccination campaign became the triumph of the American model of free biotechnological startups: Moderna and Novavax succeeded there, where the legendary research institutes and "blue chips" of pharmaceuticals in Europe basically did not justify themselves. The success of Astrazeneca contrasts sharply with the failure of Sanofi and Glaxosmithkline. But he also pulled out unlikely winners, like the Russian Sputnik vaccine, a disposable drug with an effectiveness of 91%, which has changed the shaky international reputation as the Russian medical and biological industry.

Vaccination campaign also offers some governments to redeem wine after them - in some cases impressive - inept struggle with a pandemic. In particular, in the UK, the rapid spread of vaccines promises to re-open enterprises of the country by the summer, while most of the continental Europe lags behind for three months. This is already demonstrated in the foreign exchange markets and ultimately will be reflected in the econisions.

But even where vaccination is slower, the global campaign looks like a triumph of human achievements: it will allow the world during the year or so recover from the catastrophe that could harm the world economy for a decade. The victory over COVID-19 now looks like a question "When will it happen?", Not "will it happen at all?".

Author Jeffrey Smith

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