How to choose a good bow-north


Experts of the Vladimir branch of Rosselkhozcentre tell how to choose a good bow-north.

How to choose a good bow-north 4309_1

In the spring of gilders begins hot time: you need to have time to plant all the vegetables. Onions are planted one of the first, so the seating material is already in a wide range appears on sale in the markets and in stores. How to choose the onions-sevstock and which grades of the onions are better growing in our region, the specialists of the branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Rosselkhozcenter" are told on the Vladimir region.

- Many gardeners prefer to grow onions on their own, from seeds, in the first year he gets from the Chernushka of Luk-Sevork, and in the second - already a full-fledged bulb. But Luk-Sevork is very difficult to maintain at home until next year, a lot of material dries. Of course, there are varieties that really grow in one season, having received a good harvest, but since they are long for them long, it is desirable to grow across seedlings. Therefore, we are talking about what you need to pay attention to and how to choose the onion north to land for planting in the spring, - explains the Deputy Head of the Semenovolution Department of the Vladimir branch of Rosselkhozcentre Yana Balakhnin.

First of all, it should be decisled with varieties and characteristics. In experienced gardens, as a rule, there are already beloved varieties, but in any case it is better to give preference to those of them that are provided for precisely for our region. In the state register of breeding achievements for the Vladimir region, the following graces of the Republic of Luke are marked: Albion, Alvin, Arzamas local, Helios, Hercules, Globus, Danilovsky 301, Delicates, Golden Sebo, Carmen MS, Kolobok, Red Salad, Cupid, Manas, Masta Local, Mechchkovsky 300, Odintsov, Red Baron, Red Bull, Red Semyko, Rosario, Setton, Sohachevsk, Spassky Local, Spirit, Satellite, Stardast, Sterling, Stryigunovsky Local, Sturon, Troy, Turbo, Hibern MS, Centurion, Champion, Shetan MS, Black Prince, Shakespeare, Stuttgarter Rizen, Stuttgarter Stenfield, Exist, Yalta Plus.

To taste, the bow is sweet, peninsula and sharp. In the Vladimir region, the peninsula and sharp grade grows, because for the sweet need more sun.

An important role in the choice of Luke Sevka plays its size:

From 8 to 14 mm is the smallest fraction. This size is considered optimal for winter landing. The onions grown from the shallow fraction will not go to the fracture, but there is one minus: can freeze without shelter. For planting in the spring such fraction is better not to take, it will lag in development from the average for about 3 weeks. A small supply of nutrients and lack of moisture or nutrition in the upper layer of the soil will reduce all your efforts.

From 14 to 21 mm - the bow is considered the average fraction. Such north is well sued both under winter and spring. And it is for spring landing such a bow-north is considered the best. He does not give the arrows and perfectly carries out. The bulbs are large, since he has enough strength to "consolidate" in the soil.

From 21 to 24 mm - the fraction is large. For the attachment of landing applied only to obtain greens. When landing in the spring, especially in the early duration, fits. But with timely removal of the arrows, it gives a good early harvest even from novice gardeners. Little trick: so that the bow is not shorted, it is necessary to make a small incision of the diagonal cross.

From 24 to 30 mm - a very large fraction. Such a bow is usually characterized by a low price and is suitable only for obtaining greens during the shaft landing. If planted in spring, some can be used for greens, and part, removing the arrows, to receive bulbs.

Lukovychi from 30 to 40 mm differently also called bow samples. They are used to distill on greens.

- Despite the many market proposals, in the Vladimir region to choose high-quality onions-north is difficult and because its sale, as a rule, are dealers. There are no own farms involved in the production of Luke, in our region, it emphasizes the head of the Vladimir branch of Rosselkhozcentre Marina Olimov. - And this means that in most cases no one will show you certificates for the compliance of GOST and will not give warranty that the bow was stored and transported to the place of sale correctly: without temperature differences that strongly affect the properties of the planting material and its subsequent safety.

According to GOST 30088-93, "Luk-Sevork and bow-samples. Sowing qualities »Good ischs should be integer, clean, with dry scales and rided neck. In addition, a reliable seller must have a document of quality with a relevant implementation period.

- If the seller has violated the storage rules (it was very humid / heat / cold), then the landing properties of such a bow will deteriorate. Do not hurry to buy onions-Sevork, which at the end of winter is sold on the street, he may be frozen, - experts warn. - After defrosting, such a bow becomes soft, it smells unpleasant, because the processes of rotting already go. Such a purchase will have to just throw away.

Unfortunately, today to ensure the necessary storage conditions can not not only markets, but also many shops. Often, onions are selling wet to buyers, so if you see that the north are a little damp (usually it is darker in color), then it must be scattered at home and dry.

What else to pay attention to?

The north of the north should not be very wet, with a married green sprout or with white roots. This suggests that he is already sprouting. Dry roots are permissible.

Do not keep purchased bow-seas in the cellophane package. It is better to dry it a couple of days closer to the battery, and then collect a handbag or paper bag. You can also remove bulwing in cardboard boxes or lick into the categories stockings.

The optimal layer storage temperature is 10-15 degrees of heat at a humidity of 70-75%, without sudden drops and direct sunlight. Remember that there is nothing to put onions, since it needs good ventilation.

If the onions proceeded, keep it in the refrigerator in the fridge for vegetables.

Onions can go to the arrow and in the case of an early landing when it feels soil fluctuations. For example, if during the day + 5 ° С, and at night -2 ° С. Therefore, it is recommended to plant onion north after frosts.

According to the experience of past years, the highest sales of Luke-Sevka falls on March. At this time, a full range is presented and any variety is available. Of course, you can buy onions and in April, so that it is not long and with less losses to store it before landing, but by this time some varieties can simply not find.

Now the branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Rosselkhozcenter" for the Vladimir region purchases three grades of Luka: Stuttgarter, Sturon and Carmen. All three varieties are acclimatized precisely under our region and included in the state register of breeding achievements admitted to use in the territory of the Russian Federation. A certificate of conformity is attached to each variety.

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