Place of relaxation in the country area - Patio


    Good afternoon, my reader. If you have long dreamed of setting up a place for your holiday, then this article is for you!

    Place of relaxation in the country area - Patio 4289_1
    Place of relaxation at the country area - Patio Maria Verbilkova

    Country house. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Probably, every owner of the country area wants to make it cozy and add everything possible to a comfortable stay there. And what country rest is possible without a place organized for him, a small courtyard. Called such a patio courtyard.

    Each dacket has its own preferences and its views on beauty. Also all different financial capabilities. Yes, and the plots themselves are different. But still, there are some rules for the arrangement of a patio, which should always be adhered to.

    In the patio necessarily there is a floor. Preferably, it is made of natural stone, paving slabs, concrete slabs or paving slabs.

    The floor at its discretion can be performed from any girlfriend suitable for the calculation of a smooth and durable surface.

    Paul for the patio can be simply pouring concrete and give to harden.

    One interesting designer reception is to leave a small distance between the tiles and falling on it to the lawn grass. Between the stone tiles of grass looks very organic and picturesque.

    Another way to make the floor for the patio is to put a plastic board for the terrace - Decing.

    The roof or canopy covering the entire area of ​​the patio, do not necessarily. But a small canopy closes the part where there is a leisure furniture, be sure to do not be afraid of the sudden rain.

    Place of relaxation in the country area - Patio 4289_2
    Place of relaxation at the country area - Patio Maria Verbilkova

    Country house. (Photo used by standard license ©

    And, of course, it is absolutely impossible to do without green plantings. In the patio you can put the big pots with flowers, to do something like an alpine slide, hang boxes with flowers on chains under the roof of the canopy. You can also land small decorative trees or shrubs.

    The courtyard for rest should be not just beautiful, but also protected, mainly from the wind and prying views.

    Before proceeding with repair or construction, think if you can do everything yourself. Perhaps you better contact the specialists.

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