Fight in the circus arena: what kind of fate awaits cluttering in Kazan

Fight in the circus arena: what kind of fate awaits cluttering in Kazan 4282_1

In the Kazan circus, where two elephants clung to the arena, a serious check began. The fences were not, and this is a miracle that none of the audience suffered. The main thing that is interested in law enforcement officers, whether the first rows were quite protected.

While the elephant Jenny and Magda from the pen in the circus are not released. This happened after those strata directly during the circus presentation. From the good-natured giants who jogged the public turned out to be suddenly in ruthless fighters.

At the beginning of the Elephant Potatovka, the audience was still happy, thinking that this is a script. But when pental animals in the cast of fights fell out of the arena right on the first rows, the panic began instantly. The audience rushed upstairs, and the circus's assistants at least tried to do something, but they had a bad thing.

Elephants are not predators, and the fence around the arena during the presentation does not put. Animals to the people of aggression do not show, but, as it turned out, the clarification of relations between themselves can carry a considerable danger.

About what could happen can be judged at least in the wreckage of the auditorium of the auditorium. Fortunately, the audience, which was near the disrupting elephants managed to escape. The idea had to be urgent. Tickets at the audience have barely come to themselves, accepted back or promised to invite to another idea.

The leadership of the circus after the incident hurried to apologize, and the Belarusian trainer Sergei Gulevich tried to explain that the elephants matriarchy, and finding out the place in the hierarchy between females is the usual thing, it just happened at an inappropriate moment. And the animals did not bother at all and did not go crazy.

And although the aggression towards people of elephants, enthusiastically flushed each other, did not show, the audience could suffer, counted law enforcement officers. We decided to check on whether all security measures were complied with the organization of a suddenly ended elephant show.

Measurements have shown that the set standards the distance from the arena to the audience chairs corresponds to. The remaining aspects of security will also be assessed. While the work of the circus was not suspended, but there are no rush to renew the show in the arena. In the near future, the administration intends to invite zoopsychologists to Sloniham to understand whether large ladies have figured out of each other completely and is it worth waiting for new excesses. Only after that Jenny and Magda promise to return to the scene.

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