Calypso - Grozny Nymph with a Broken Heart

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Calypso - Grozny Nymph with a Broken Heart

From ancient Greek legends, we learn about a wide variety of characters - from deities to magical creatures. Sometimes they are not presented in the best light, and the example of this is Calypso.

The famous Goddess Calypso, the nymph in the creations of Homer is clearly condemned for his behavior, however, the great poet Eldlas strongly understood the value of Calypso in the life of people. In fact, she performed a lot of functions and even provided patronage. What was bad or good Calypso? And why does she take a special role in Odyssey?

The origin of Calypso

The ancient Greek authors in their negatives have managed to create an extraordinary world, where there are people and gods, all sorts of amazing creatures. Despite its divine origin, the deities could show purely human character traits, they were inherent in many of the weaknesses of mortals.

That is why many Olympians often entered a love relationship with earthly men and women, after which demigods appeared. Calypso was one of the likelihoods. She was available to the art of magic, and the tender human soul was vulnerable and tender, which was a distinctive feature of many nymph.

As the myths tell, the nymph was born by the ocean, and her father was either Titan Atlant, or the ocean itself (there are different versions). Calypso was gifted by the abilities of the goddess, but in its character, many mutually exclusive qualities were combined.

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Goddess Calypso

Calypso - goddess and nymph

Getting acquainted with the description of Calypso in different sources and in various researchers, I noticed some contradiction. If some are inclined to believe that it was only a nymph living on a remote island in the ocean, then others suggest that her role in the work of Homer was strongly understood.

If you literally translate her name, we get - "hiding". On the one hand, it indicates the lifestyle of the nymph, on the other, it is possible that Calypso was a patroness of another world, even the death itself, which always remains unknown and hidden from people.

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Henri Lehman "Calypso"

Positive qualities Calypso can be listed for a very long time. She is fine fabric carpets, differed in incredible beauty, had a lot of talents. Calypso could turn into mortal women at his request, taking different things.

As the goddess they obeyed all the processes occurring in the sea. The ancient Greeks believed that in the power of Calypso there are divinions of sea winds and flows, as well as all the inhabitants of the oceans.

If you compare this characteristic with a description of any of the goddesses of Olympus, it will be noticeable that Calypso did not inferior to them, perhaps, it was simply sent to a link to the far island, not wanting to endure such a powerful "opponent".

In addition, you should not forget that the nymphs have become little inferior to the goddesses. They had a huge force, could manage the elements, managed various processes in the universe.

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Calypso - goddess and nymph in one person

Many water nymphs (and Calypso are no exception) owned by the secrets of using water healing sources. That is why they were compared with healers, which made it possible to identify the image of the nymph with life and death. Many nymphs could even resurrect the dead.

Were there any such abilities from Calypso? There is no accurate answer to myths for this question, but I have no doubt, she was not just a goddess, but also a wizard who knows how to use their spells. Here are just all talents and efforts turned out to be vain and insignificant before the force of real love.

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Broken heart Calypso

The most famous myth of Calypso talks about her love for Odyssey. During long wanderings, his ship was on the island of Ogigue, where the nymph lived. It was on that land located in the distance from the mainland, there was a grotto, seized by grape vines. The four magical sources were mumbled, and in the crowns of trees sang birds.

In this blessed place Odyssey and met Calypso. The exhausted wanderer asked for help from the island's mistress. Calypso gladly sheltered Odyssey team. A courageous hero came to her heart, and therefore Nymph offered him to become her husband. In addition to his love, Calypso promised eternal youth and immortality.

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Odyssey and Calypso

Despite such a seductive gifts, Odyssey responded with refusal - he did not forget that Penelope's wife with his son awaits him. However, it was not so easy to part from Calypso. Seven many years Nymph did not let the Odyssey, forcing him to be on her land.

All this time, the traveler comes daily to the seashore, looking away, he recalled the beloved Penelope. Looking at the torment Odyssey, the Gods of Olympus decided to help him. By order of Zeus, Hermes came to Calypso, who passed the will of the throat.

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Picture "Hermes, heading to Calypso"

Forced to fulfill her, Calypso released Odyssey to the native edges. The Homer does not say anything about the children of Calypso and Odyssey, but in other sources there are references that the son of the hero was Latin, who became the progenitor of the People of Latinians. According to legend, once in a thousand years, the history of Odyssey and Calypso repeats, and the heart of the nymph is divided from grief due to loss of the lover.

Calypso is one of the most famous female images from ancient Greek legends. It is called and the goddess, and the nymph, and in each statement there is truth. Often she symbolizes insidiousness and keenness, but I would not call Calypso in ruffling. First, she failed to keep Odyssey. Secondly, she sincerely loved him, dreaming so that this man always was near. Is it worth condemning her for not too highly unaware actions? The answer to this question is yours.

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