Scientists: Nine Planet may be tiny black hole


Scientists: Nine Planet may be tiny black hole 4270_1
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Some scientists believe that the solar-called ninth planet may turn out to be a tiny black hole. A massive space object can be detected by the radiation outgoing from its edge called the radiation of hocling.

The search for an explicit evidence of the existence of the planet rotating far beyond the orbit Neptune was not crowned with success. For many years of astronomers apply variations of planetary orbits to predict the presence of new planets. If the orbit of the planet with predictions does not coincide scientists update physics (for example, by obtaining an improved theory of gravity). So the inability of the light of science is precisely described by the orbit of Mercury led to the appearance of the theory of Einstein's relativity. The incomprehensible behavior in the orbit of uranium at the opposite end of the solar system has become a reason for the opening of the Neptune Planet.

The team of astronomers in 2016 examined the collection of the most remote objects of the solar system. Tiny ice bodies called Transneptunova objects are located on a dark orbit outside the Neptune orbit. Some of them trajectory movement coincide with each other. The likelihood that clustering can happen by chance - less than 1%. This fact made the experts suggest that there may be a massive planet - something more than Neptune rotating more than 10 times further from the Sun compared to Neptune.

They called this hypothetical world to the ninth planet. The idea says that the gravity of such an object can derive these tno on group orbits.

In February, the researchers put forward an assumption that the evidence of the existence of the ninth planet including the cluster of the TNO may be the result of the astronomers send their telescopes reports Live Science. In other words, these TNOs can be grouped due to the "biased" observations of scientists. Five years later, the ninth planet was never detected.

Dark motivation

If the nine planet is really located somewhere there it can be on the part of his orbit who takes it so far from the sun that astronomers cannot observe her using modern technology. Scientists James Anvin representing Illinois University and Yakub Stolz from Daurus University came to a new conclusion - the ninth planet may be a small black hole. This hypothesis can explain why telescopes have not yet found a mysterious space object.

Orbits anomalies may presumably be the result of the impact of the primary black hole. The latter compared to supermassive black holes appearing due to the collapse of the star were formed from hot plasma in the early stages of the life of the Universe. Such black holes may have small sizes. According to the calculations of astrophysics, the object of this kind with a mass of five times higher than the mass of the earth is distinguished by a radius of up to 4 5 centimeters.

Such a primary hole is characterized by a minor radiation, but halo from dark matter into two or three astronomical units extends around it around it. The authors of the study believes: the only way to prove the existence of a small black hole instead of the ninth planet is to identify moving sources of gamma radiation.

For astronomers, it is very important to detect a small black hole on the edge of the solar system. If you determine the location of the object, then the target mission will get the opportunity to come close to the horizontal of the events and presumably make rotations around the black hole. Scientists will be able to observe an extreme gravitational environment. NASA technological capabilities allow you to create and run the long-term version of New Horizons for traveling to the nearest black hole - the most mysterious object in the entire universe.

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