Igor Korutochko: Military Sun of Ukraine have a strong side, dangerous and for Russia


Koruterko stressed that today the Armed Forces are indeed prepared for hostilities against the Donbass.

In a conversation on Youtube Channel "Ukraine.ru", the military expert Igor Korutochko said that at the moment there are a number of signs of the preparation of the HRU of the percussion group, which can be used to conduct military operations against the self-proclaimed republics of Donbass. He believes that LNR, and the DPR has the opportunity to impede the invasion of the Donbass. However, according to the expert, the main thing is that many residents of LDNR have Russian passports and are citizens of the Russian Federation. According to Igor Korutochko, if the Armed Forces go to the offensive, then Russia does not have any option, except for the beginning of a military operation for the coercion of Ukraine to the world.

Igor Korutochko: Military Sun of Ukraine have a strong side, dangerous and for Russia 4269_1

The expert noted that American military assistance to Ukraine is more political and symbolic, so there was no significant strengthening of the power of the Ukrainian army. At the same time, Korotchenko stressed that today the Armed Forces are indeed prepared for hostilities against Donbass.

"I would noted the high professionalism of Ukrainian security forces in the field of sabotage operations,"

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According to him, sabotage and terrorist activities have always been the strength of Ukrainian special services. The expert said that earlier the weak side of Ukrainian security officials was an equipment, but did not rule out that today they are already well equipped and trained to the use of modern samples of foreign weapons and means of communication.

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Igor Korutochko urged to start to identify the weaknesses not at the Ukrainian side, but at himself. To prepare for the fact that, perhaps, we [Russia] will have to identify Ukrainian sabotage groups in the south of the Russian Federation. In addition, according to the expert, a very important factor will be the combat capability and professionalism of the security services and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Donbass themselves.

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Making a prognosis, Korutvko expressed doubt that after the start of the hostilities of the LNR and DPR will return under the control of Kiev. He once again expressed his conviction that if the invasion of Donbass starts, then Moscow simply will not be any choice but to intervene in the situation and protect their citizens.

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The military expert urged the Ukrainian leadership to think well above the fact that the game is worth the game "and recall all aspects of hostilities in South Ossetia in 2008. Igor Korutochko did not exclude that, in the event of the invasion of Ukraine in the Donbass, after some time the new border of Ukraine will be held on the Dnieper.

Earlier, the secretary of the National Security Committee of Ukraine completely denied the rumors about the occurrence of the VSU in the Donbas 15 March.

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