What you need to know about the new quantum theory of time?


What time is and can be that all our ideas about it are wrong? If you try to figure out, it turns out that humanity perceives time just enough - it moves forward and cannot turn back. Moreover, the time of time is inexorably and we cannot influence it in any way. Recently, a team of researchers from the center of quantum dynamics of the University of Griffith, the National Institute of Measurement (NMI) and the Australian Organization of Nuclear Sciences and Technologies (ANSTO) has put an experiment, the main goal of which was an attempt to prove the correctness or irregularity of modern quantum time theory. The new revolutionary theory, according to its authors, can turn all our idea of ​​time and space - everything is because it allows the possibility of the existence of a static and unchanged universe. Physics suggested that the fact of changing things over time is not a congenital feature of nature, but rather caused by a fundamental impaired symmetry of time circulation called "T-violation". If scientists are right, their work will turn over all modern ideas about time and space, and will also change our view on the fundamental laws of nature.

What you need to know about the new quantum theory of time? 4261_1
Scientists want to prove that time is moving in different directions with a nuclear reactor.

Quantum theory of Time

A modern understanding of time suggests that it flows only in one direction - from less entropy to greater and is the fundamental characteristic of the universe. Back in 1927, astronomer Sir Arthur Eddington stated that the gradual dispersion of energy is proof of the irreversibility of the "arrows of time". Interestingly, the very concept of "arrow of time" does not comply with the well-known laws of physics, acting both in direct and in the opposite direction. So if someone knew the paths of all particles in the universe, it could be able to reverse them and energy would have to accumulate, and not dissipate.

Interestingly, since the very moment of the origin of the thermodynamics (1850s), the formula for the statistical distribution of unknown trajectories of particles was the only way to calculate the spread of energy. However, the calculations made in the way demonstrated that over time the general picture became ... more and more lubricated. But the new quantum theory of the time nominated by the Physico theorist, a professor at the University of Griffith, Joan Vakkaro, suggests that time can flow in other directions, but we observe it only in one direction - ahead.

Entropy in accurate and natural sciences denotes the measure of irreversible dispersion of energy or its uselessness.

What you need to know about the new quantum theory of time? 4261_2
If a new quantum theory of time is correct, it will turn all the physics with legs on the head.

The new theory, as it turned out, was developed by Professor Vakkaro as much as ten years. Vaccaro compared the flow of time with the wind, which is revealed by the trees, noting that we can see the movement of the leaves, but we do not assume that the leaves make the wind blow through them. The fact that we can observe how things are changing over time is not an "built-in feature of nature", and caused by the "fundamental impairment of the symmetry of time circulation", known as "Violation of T".

As Vakkaro writes, "Violations T" does not allow matter to remain localized in time. Because of "T-violations", objects do not appear and do not disappear by chance, they exist continuously. Famous laws of movement and maintenance of mass are nothing more than the symptoms of these T-violations.

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Evidence of a new time theory

So, according to the data obtained during the study, the energy is dissipated, and facilities come into balance. This happens because the elementary particles are confused when interacting. This strange effect of physics is called "quantum mixing" or confusing. More about what kind of quantum confusion, I told in this article.

To check its theory, the researchers have taken a not the easiest step, going straight to the nuclear reactor located in Lucas Heights (Sydney, Australia) to measure "T-violations" from neutrino. The fact is that neutrino and their counterparts from antimatter (antineutrino) are manufactured in nuclear reactors. For the experiment, physics was established in different places of the reactor several accurate atomic hours. Let me remind you that atomic clock is an instrument for measuring the time in which oscillations associated with occurring atoms or molecules are used.

What you need to know about the new quantum theory of time? 4261_3
The sun is a good source of neutrino, but it cannot be turned on and off, so the nuclear reactor turned out to be a spare option for physicists.

Antinerino is the subatomic particles that show "T-violation." They move through the matter unharmed, because weakly interact with it, and nuclear reactors produce their huge flows.

The idea of ​​installing atomic hours is that if the clock is not synchronized, physics will witness the effect of a quantum slowing down or local "T-violations". According to the authors of scientific work, the practical side of the new quantum theory of time is that if you have an area with a large number of neutrinos, for example, generated by a nuclear reactor, then the time can move differently.

It is assumed that the clocks located near the active zone of the reactor are not synchronized with more remote clocks. This means that the clock next to the reactor will show some time slowing or the difference in the past time compared with the clocks, located even at a short distance from the reactor. The reason for this effect is purely quantum nature and arises due to the "T-violations" of the antinerino emitted by the active zone of the reactor. Interestingly, in spite of the already published results, physics in the next six months will continue observation.

See also: why quantum physics are akin to magic?

Summarizing such an unusual and complicated study, we note that there are a lot of work ahead of scientists. Professor Vakkaro in the official statement noted that "if the effect of slowing time occurs at the level of the reactor, we will need to check it on other nuclear reactors, and then look for the effect in other places, for example, in the data on the planets orbits." But already published work can be used as a basis for innovative scientific research in this area.

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