Russia entered the TOP-10 on freelancer revenue


Russia entered the TOP-10 on freelancer revenue 4259_1

In 2020, the turnover of the Russian Freelance market amounted to $ 41 billion, writes RBC with reference to the study of the consulting company PWC. In the monetary equivalent, Russia entered the top ten of the largest countries, and in terms of growth rates ranked second in the world, yielding only the United States, which, with an annual volume of $ 1 trillion, leads to an absolute indicator on the global project work market.

According to the PWC study, the main customers of the services of Russian freelancers are the financial sector, the heavy industry and the consumer goods sector (19% each). The share of insurers is 12%, technological companies - 11%, writes RBC.

The PWC notes that the in-demand services of freelance workers remain design and multimedia. Most respondents are confident that in the long run, it is at such specialists that will be increased demand - 63%. 60% of experts called the IT and programming sector, 51% - content and translations, 43% - Finance, management, HR.

Almost half of the PWC surveyed professionals believe that the Russian freelance market in the medium term will continue to grow high rates.

The demand for freelancers will increase and due to a decrease in the share of the working-age population, as well as increasing the attractiveness of project work, is stated in the PWC study. The deficit of qualified personnel in the future will also have an impact on the increase in the number of freelance specialists, consider in a consulting company. If in 2018 there were 77 million able-bodied citizens in Russia, then by 2025 their number can be reduced to 72 million, refined in the PWC report.

Nevertheless, only a quarter of Russian companies plans to replace freelancer to 30% of their employees, shows the study of PWC. 43% of respondents are ready now to pay freelancers more than hired specialists, is specified in the report of the consulting company.

PWC analysts rated the world freelance market at $ 6.54 trillion, predicting its growth to $ 13.84 trillion in the next five years. According to PWC calculations, the Russian market will also continue to grow and in five years can reach a turnover of $ 102 billion.

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