Landing green onion, painted in soda solution


    Good afternoon, my reader. Before planting, soak onions in soda can be both in the autumn period and in the spring. This procedure will help to increase the harvest and prevent the formation of the arrows when the plant is in the state of growth. Such an effective method is based on the fact that the hydrocarbonate has disinfectant properties, and the prepared solution has an increased temperature.

    Landing green onion, painted in soda solution 4251_1
    Planting a green onion, painted in soda solution Maria Verbilkova

    To grow high-quality crop, first of all, it is necessary to prepare material for planting. The bulbs should be dry and have the same size. There are no bulbs with rot or dark spots. Gardeners know that the alkali contained in the food soda kills fungus, as well as malicious insects.

    To prepare a solution of soda, you will need a declined bucket with hot water and one teaspoon of food soda with a slide. Mandatory condition so that the water temperature does not fall below sixty degrees. Only in this way the solution will dull the growth of the growth hormone and will not give to appear to the new arrows.

    In the spring, before carrying out the procedure, for the rapid appearance of shoots from the sevka, you need to remove the dry top scaly and trim the tip of the bulbs with scissors. In the autumn period, such a procedure is prohibited, as it can provoke the infectious diseases of the bow.

    Prepared onion landing material is very useful for harvest, as:

    • Disinfection of bulbs occurs;
    • Grow quality harvest in the largest quantities;
    • Caring for the growing onion is becoming easier;
    • All summer, gardeners are actively growing greens without arrows.

    After the selection of bulbs for sowing, they are sent to about half an hour in a cooked hot solution with soda. Additionally, it is necessary to watch the seaws necessarily too in a solution for uniform processing. The bucket must be covered with a lid and wrap, for example, a blanket or a rag, so that the water is not cooled.

    Landing green onion, painted in soda solution 4251_2
    Planting a green onion, painted in soda solution Maria Verbilkova

    After such a procedure, the bulbs need to be discussed by putting them on a flat surface. Then you can land on the bed.

    Usually if the acidity of the soil is raised, then before planting a garden, it is possible to sprinkle not ashes, but by food soda. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a soda solution in the proportion of one hundred grams of powder per liter of water. The bed is watered from the watering can, loosen the ground and begin to land the bulbs.

    Soda solution is recommended to carry out the treatment of adult plants in the summer period in the same proportions, as in soaking Sevka. You can spray plants with a sprayer in the morning or in the evening when the sun is already a village, as well as on cloudy weather.

    Landing green onion, painted in soda solution 4251_3
    Planting a green onion, painted in soda solution Maria Verbilkova

    If you treat the plant during the day when the bright sun shines, it will get burns, which means it will subsequently decrease the yield. Spraying only once every two weeks. This will be enough. Thanks to this procedure, you will help the plant in the fight against tool and mildew. In addition, the soda solution is completely not dangerous for people, before use in food, the greens only need to rinse with flowing water.

    The soaking of planting material gives it possible to the bulbs to have a useful mineral substance. After such a processing, pathogenic microbes will die, the north will grow large, even if the soil is scanty and there is not enough moisture in it, and the green onion will differ in the most pronounced taste.

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