In Minsk, the driver knocked down a teenager at the transition. This place complained many times

In Minsk, the driver knocked down a teenager at the transition. This place complained many times 424_1
In Minsk, the driver knocked down a teenager at the transition. This place complained many times 424_2

On the street, a long-grandfather driver Volkswagen made a hit on a 14-year-old teenager, reported in the traffic police Minsk. The accident happened today at about 13:20 at an unregulated pedestrian crossing near the congress to Vaneyev Street. Previously, this transition complained many times.

- According to preliminary information, today at about 13:20, the driver of 1987 is born, driving the Volkswagen car, moved along the street by Dolbrock, from the street Budenny in the direction of Vaneyev Street. He made a hit on a 14-year-old teenager who crossed the roadway on an unregulated pedestrian crossing to right left along the movement of the car, "said in the traffic police.

As a result of an accident, a pedestrian with injuries was delivered to the health care institution. At the moment, on the fact of what has happened, checks.

In the traffic police added that only in January of this year four accidents were registered in the capital with the participation of minors in which four children were injured. Of these, three were damaged, crossing the roadway, another one was in the car as a passenger.

- Guilty of these accidents in most cases were adults. And only one child suffered in its inconsistency, - stressed in the traffic police.

At the same time, we are in the editors of Onliner more than once and not two received complaints from our readers on how the movement on this site of the Street of Dolgobrod is organized. An unregulated pedestrian crossing, and meanwhile, the street of Dolgobrodskaya here has five lanes of motion plus a tram line. The site is perfectly straight, and drivers sometimes too rapidly approach Zebra, believing that everything is under control: the visibility is good. But quite not far from the transition there is a public transport stop - buses, trolley buses, electric workers can overlap the visibility and driver for a second, and pedestrian. Immediately behind the transition there is a congress on Vaneyev Street. The one who needs to go there, in advance to take the right row can not because of the bus stop. As a result of deceleration and rebuildings, occur on a very narrow section in the immediate vicinity of the transition, which creates some unfortunate on the road.

On an accident involving pedestrians in this transition, we have not reported not once, and you need to understand that every time we are talking about incidents with serious consequences.

Familiar with the situation? Write to us: [email protected] or

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