20+ people who good luck threw the treasures from the past


What is for one - trash, for the other - the present treasure. And under both these criteria, antique things are often falling, which can be found on the flea markets, at the grandmother in the attic or under the hollows of the newly acquired home. And most importantly, that such things are especially warm the soul with their history.

We in ADME.ru could consider things on flea markets for hours, but instead we decided to see people on the network are divided.

"My great-grandmother drew her teachers in 1924. Found it in her school notebook "

20+ people who good luck threw the treasures from the past 4238_1
© 2-Cents / Reddit

"- The style of their clothing from the 1840s, so there is nothing close to the fact that people wore in the 20s. So this is not a teacher, and the characters from the "Pickwick Club" Dickens Pickkins. She probably read the story and drew them as, in her opinion, they looked. "Now I understand it."

"I bought it at a local commission store"

20+ people who good luck threw the treasures from the past 4238_2
© Padawanana / Reddit

  • He is so cute. I think it needs to be surrounded by warm and soft chocolate biscuits. © Villainasf ** K / Reddit
  • It hurts me to think that someone calmly gave this plate. It's too nice, how dare they?! © MLC298 / Reddit

"I found this buckle for a female dress with a metal detector"

20+ people who good luck threw the treasures from the past 4238_3
© Normislandrandom / Reddit

  • I would give it a period between 1900 and 1915. © Lilyvonschtup / Reddit

"Invitation from 1925 to watch the sunny eclipse in special glasses"

20+ people who good luck threw the treasures from the past 4238_4
© ReeSiq / Reddit

"The first gift that my great-grandfather bought my great-grandmother almost 100 years ago"

20+ people who good luck threw the treasures from the past 4238_5

"I bought this dress 50s in just $ 9"

20+ people who good luck threw the treasures from the past 4238_6
© Toshabee / Reddit

  • Maybe it cost only $ 9, but you wear it a million. © rob6110 / reddit

"On the tie of 1950 there is a recommendation, with which it is to wear"

20+ people who good luck threw the treasures from the past 4238_7
© nucklestheenchilada_ / reddit

"Wear with a smoky or brown suit."

"My grandmother kept and inserted his valentines to the frame, which she received in the 2nd grade in about 1924"

20+ people who good luck threw the treasures from the past 4238_8
© Type-username_here / Reddit

"I have a beautiful English mirror of pure silver 1906"

20+ people who good luck threw the treasures from the past 4238_9
© Gaeliel / Reddit

"A set of needles that I found a grandmother"

20+ people who good luck threw the treasures from the past 4238_10
© marimarcolino / Reddit

"Sofa of the 70s, in the armrest of which is built-in radio"

20+ people who good luck threw the treasures from the past 4238_11
© noeybird83 / Reddit

  • I feel this barbed fabric through decades. © Dog1Anddog2andMe / Reddit

"My grandparents have a table of 1793"

20+ people who good luck threw the treasures from the past 4238_12
© Thebobrup / Reddit

"In this book in the chemistry of 1897, elements are presented in the form of a list, and not in the form of the Mendeleev table, because it has not yet been popularized."

20+ people who good luck threw the treasures from the past 4238_13
© GalaxyMlp / Reddit

"I have a tuxedo, which is 100 years old"

20+ people who good luck threw the treasures from the past 4238_14
© nucklestheenchilada_ / reddit

"- Where did you buy it? - Every thing came to me from different places. For example, I bought a jacket via the Internet, the vest is in an antique store, a bowel and shirt too. And the sign of the First World War I gave me a friend. "

"My grandfather's box for milk he used since 1930"

20+ people who good luck threw the treasures from the past 4238_15
© boston_strong_cqb2241 / reddit

"Opal bottle for spirits bought in Canada"

20+ people who good luck threw the treasures from the past 4238_16
© SavaSavvy / Reddit

"A black and white portable TV of the 70s, which I bought for only $ 20. It is still in working condition."

20+ people who good luck threw the treasures from the past 4238_17
© Familiar_Big3322 / Reddit

"I bought a vintage jacket for only $ 6 as a costume for Halloween, and then found out that it costs about $ 1,000"

20+ people who good luck threw the treasures from the past 4238_18
© KY-LA / Reddit

"I inherited an antique cage for birds"

20+ people who good luck threw the treasures from the past 4238_19
© Eastcoastcure710 / Reddit

"Under the floorboards of our house was the 1928 newspaper"

20+ people who good luck threw the treasures from the past 4238_20
© kerwapple / Reddit

"Found a book series of the Nordic Flora 70s. Such beautiful illustrations »

20+ people who good luck threw the treasures from the past 4238_21
© Ange1bug / Reddit

Do you have a thing from the distant past, which is very good for you?

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