Interviews on Crimson Desert On the connection of Singleler and Multiplayer, the plot and the open world


Not so long ago it became known that Crimson Desert is no longer a game in the MMORPG genre, but refers to the Action RPG with an open world. Prerequisites for this were before - take at least a sudden change in the description on social networks. However, on the presentation The Game Awards 2020 everything became clear. You can read about the true causes of changing the genre in a separate interview.

Recently, the overseas portal also talked to the developers and learned new details about the game, including the modes, platforms, the open world and the gameplay. We have prepared for you to transfer to Russian.

Pearl Abyss.

Q: 2020 was heavy for all for the entire industry. How did Pandemic affect the Pearl ABYSS schedule and how did the company adapted?

A: With the distribution of COVID-19 there have been many changes in the gaming industry. For example, in connection with the cancellation of offline activities, direct communication with our users were limited. Nevertheless, we planned events to communicate with even more users through online broadcasts. We invited people from all over the world to live events, which were traditionally conducted on offline sites.

This allowed us to continue communication on a systematic basis using subtitles and synchronous translation into different languages. We are currently working at home for our safety. For some employees who have to be in the office, we do our best to follow the recommendations of quarantine, such as the installation of the sterilizer and the thermal detection chamber at the entrance to the office.

In: few know about the new headquarters of Pearl Abyss, which is currently being built. Please tell us more about her and how she helps the company move forward.

A: Pearl Abyss has increased in size as a company, thanks to the constant growth of personnel. For the purpose of moving in the first half of 2022, a new office building is being built in Quachon, in which about 1,600 employees are expected to work. In accordance with our corporate philosophy, "We are making maximum effort and provide the best awards," various facilities such as the fitness center, kindergarten and the electronic library will be built to improve the welfare of employees and the effectiveness of their work. The new building will provide the best conditions for the development and maintenance of various projects in the future.

Q: What can we expect from Pearl ABYSS from the point of view of foreign expansion in 2021?

A: Currently, Pearl ABYSS presents Black Desert on all platforms 40 million people in 150 countries around the world, and we continue to expand on foreign markets, making our own games yourself. Since February of this year, we plan directly distribute Black Desert in North America and Europe. We are also going to release CRIMSON DESERT all over the world in the fourth quarter of this year.

Interviews on Crimson Desert On the connection of Singleler and Multiplayer, the plot and the open world 4233_1


Q: Obviously, CRIMSON DESERT will be released on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. But what about the new generation of consoles, such as PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X? Will the other version that uses the benefits of higher capacities?

ABOUT: Crimson Desert will support a new generation console, such as PS5 and Xbox Series X. In addition, we strive to provide users with the opportunity to play as much as possible platforms.

In: Crimson Desert is built on the updated version of the Black Desert engine. Are there any fears that PlayStation 4 and Xbox One will not be able to cope with the game?

ABOUT: Crimson Desert is not developed on the updated version of the Black Desert engine, and on a completely new engine of the new generation. Pearl Abyss has many years of experience in the development and optimization of our branded engine, and we will do our best so that users can enjoy CRIMSON DESERT on a number of devices, including on the consoles of the new generation.

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Singleer and Multiplayer

Q: From the previous article, we realized that Crimson Desert is now a single-user project with a multiplayer online mode. Are there any other games that use the same system that are familiar to the players?

Oh: When it comes to single-user and multiplayer modes, it is difficult to talk about other games that use the same system as CRIMSON DESERT. Inside the company, we believe that CRIMSON DESERT is a separate genre. There are no separate modes for singlepler and multiplayer in the game - rather, they are organically interconnected by providing unique gaming experience. However, if you want to play only one of them, then there are no problems with it.

Q: Crimson Desert can no longer be considered a massive multiplayer online game (MMO) from the point of view of the genre?

A: This is not a traditional MMORPG, but rather an open-world action-advench, based on a plot-oriented single campaign. There is also a multiplayer mode, and the player will detect that the Singleer and the multiplayer are interconnected. Earlier, Crimson Desert was represented as MMORPG, but the genre has changed to better present the plot, story and action to which we strive.

Q: Are cross-play for multiplayer regime?

A: We cannot comment on cross-platform support at this stage of development, but this is definitely the direction we consider in order for as many users as many users enjoy the game on various platforms.

Q: It was mentioned that participation in multiplayer mode is optional. Does this mean that in Crimson Desert there is no multiplayer exclusive content?

A: There will be no exceptionally multiplayer content. The gameplay is based on a single game, which is organically connected with a multiplayer. This allows users to play in the style selected.

Q: In the trailer, we saw the scene, similar to the siege of the castle. Does this mean that players will be able to experience some of the traditional MMORPG gaming capabilities?

A: Despite the presence of siege, players will discover that it differs from the existing RVR-Opija. We prepare various types of PVP content and large-scale battles, such as the siege, shown in our gameplay trailer. However, while it is too early to comment on the scale of participants for such content, since it is still in development.


Q: The main character of Crimson Desert - McDaff, and we have already seen it in several trailers and promotional materials. One thing that surprised us is his identical appearance in all materials. Are there any ways to customize his appearance and change the equipment?

A: The cosmetic appearance of McDiff changes depending on the equipment, but his face is not configured to make the plot of a more natural. However, you can create a separate character in the "Friend of the Travel (Preliminary Name)". Its appearance is allowed to configure using the advanced Customization system Pearl ABYSS.

Q: As for puzzles, mysteries and tests scattered around the world of Crimson Desert, do they scare less experienced players?

A: We spend many research so that even users with small game experiences can quickly adapt and enjoy the game. The deeper you dig in the world of Crimson Desert, the easier it becomes more accessible, providing exciting adventures for all players, regardless of their experience.

Q: How did the idea arose to combine the fight and Taekwondo in CRIMSON DESERT? And are they sports in the world of Pywel?

A: We are confident that everyone ever played on slot machines. We get a lot of ideas from such a game, as well as conduct a lot of research. The weapon is also part of Crimson Desert, but with the elements of "Tag-and-Play". When it comes to the battles with mercenaries, we thought about what functions would be needed, and developed them accordingly. Boots from Taekwondo are captured through Mousen-Cepping a student of the real national athlete on Taekwondo, and the animation of the struggle is taken from a real fighter. In the gameplay trailer you can see how mercenaries are fighting with various combat skills, such as fist fights. However, these disciplines are not recognized in the world of Pywel as sports.

Q: Looks like the focus is on the neighboring battle, whether it is with a weapon or with taking struggle. Will these techniques be effective against large enemy groups compared to magical audi spells?

A: They will be effective when you defeat opponents in small battles, which differ from the mass destruction by magical spells. Nevertheless, you should use massive techniques with caution, as they require many resources in the world of Crimson Desert.

Q: With such a large mechanic movement and a large open world for research, can the secret places be found during the passage of the game?

A: Of course, in the game there are different hidden places for research and random meetings. The nature of this content will change, but we tried to make it in such a way that it was not too confused for players.

Q: Due to the fact that the focus CRIMSON DESERT shifts towards the plot, does this mean that the game actually can be passed?

A: Despite the presence of the Singleer finals, players can continue to play through what we call "another journey (the name can be changed)." This mode can be played at any time without seeing the game final, and it is organically connected to the Singleer, so the players will have the opportunity to enjoy the unique gameplay.

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