Singer Albina Dzhanabayeva is waiting for a child

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The 41-year-old singer Albina Dzhanabayeva, an ex-soloist of the Ukrainian female pop group "VIA Gra" will become a mom for the third time. This joyful event, the singer shared on his page in

Briefly signing photos with a tagged tummy:

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Photo: "waiting for ️️"

Judging by the photo of the stars, Dzhanabayev remains in the last months of pregnancy. But the floor of the child has not yet been disclosed.

The Father will be the Russian singer Valery Meladze, with whom Dzhanabaeva is official marriage since 2014. For a couple, this is the third joint child. Spouses raise two common sons. The senior was born on February 26, 2004, when Meladze was still in marriage with his first wife Irina Meladze. Junior son Luke was born on July 2, 2014.

It is worth noting that for Valery Meladze it will be the sixth child. From the first marriage with his wife Irina he has three daughters: Inga, Sofia and Arina.

The day before this photo with the belly of Janabaeva placed a photo from this very session in his microblog by signing the picture:

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"Two in the universe, but with one soul ... we are so tightly connected with you ️️ #Soon

On this photo, none of the subscribers suspected the singer in pregnancy, because she covered the belly with a cloak. But in the day after, it was later that everything fell into place, and the words under the post do not seem so mysterious.

Previously, none of the Follovover of Janabaeva did not even know about the replenishment of the star in the family. The last time the singer appeared in the public at the end of November, when the stomach was still noticeable. The last months of Janabaeva placed a photo in his instagram in wide clothing, covering the belly. Under fresh pictures of the artist, subscribers wrote that her face was noticeably rounded.

Meladze's star parents and Dzhanabaev rarely show their children in public. So a photo and video with the youngest Son of the singer does so that the face of the child is not visible. But the older, Konstantin, Janabaeva showed in all its glory, signing:

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Photo: "Son, Our Pride !!! 17 years!!! Hurray ??? !!! "

Senior Son Konstantin himself does not like publicity and avoids photos in every way. As Meladze himself says, if suddenly the son falls under the sights of the cameras, he asks for journalists to remove the picture with his participation. Konstantin does not want to become a media personality, and dreams of devoting his life to science. The youngest son, 6-year-old onions, engaged in gymnastics. Flexibility went to the boy from his mom. In addition, the child has a fairly developed intellect, so he went to school at 6 years.

The daughters of Konstantin Meladze from the first marriage do not communicate with Albina Janabaeva, but with their consolidated brothers are seen quite often. The older daughter of Inga (30 years old) lived some time with her husband in London, but after the divorce returned to Moscow and became the founder of his own brand of jewelry. Sophia (21 years old) devoted himself to ballet, and the youngest Arina (18 years old) receives medical education.

Valery Meladze calls himself a democratic father, allowing her children to do what they had a soul.

"The only thing I forbade children, strictly setting, these are stimulants," said a large father.

We wish the singer of light labor!

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