You can short. In Latvian politics, dealing due to haircuts in the winter forest

You can short. In Latvian politics, dealing due to haircuts in the winter forest 4228_1

The Latvian police began an investigation into the fact of the provision of hairdressing services in the Winter Forest. Video haircuts spread a deputy of the Riga Duma of Jeva Brand, which thus expressed a protest against the current limitations due to a pandemic.

"I was inspired by the inner conviction and misunderstanding of government restrictions, which, in my opinion, chaotic and objectively unreasonable," wrote a brand in her facebook. - For example, in the medical institution, I can make a massage, in the car masseur - no. The subgal in the clinic continues to work, and in the salon, a specialist in manicure and pedicure is prohibited. Continue to take driving exams, and the instructors cannot work. And there are many such examples. "

To express his protest, Brand decided to agree on the services of a hairdresser in the Winter Forest. And the deputy, and the master were masked, but the police did not stop: the process began on the fact of non-compliance with the limitations established during the time of emergency.

Ministry of Health is not opposed

Health Minister Daniel Pavluts said that he did not see violations in the act of the Riga deputy.

"Haircut in the forest is absolutely okay," he said. In his opinion, the government needs to begin the revision of some restrictions to "allow residents to implement the basic needs that cannot be postponed on psychological or practical considerations."

However, what exactly these relaxation can be, the government has not yet decided.

"Now we are not in a hurry - it is better to take as reasonable decisions as possible as possible," said Krisyanis Karinsh Prime Minister. - Previously, we have taken some solutions too quickly in changing circumstances. Now the conditions are not so volatile, and we need a reasonable approach to things. We are looking for ways to cooperate better. "

Meanwhile, the Latvian Cabinet tightens the requirements for trips from abroad. From February 11, the owners of the Latvian residence permit, including many Russians, will not be able to freely enter the country without a serious reason. Such recognize work, study, family reunification, treatment, etc., and not the fact of the availability of Latvian real estate.

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