Sanpin 2.1.3684-21 from 28.01.2021 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for water, air, waste, content of territories and buildings ..."

Sanpin 2.1.3684-21 from 28.01.2021

Welcome new sanitary rules of Sanpin 2.1.3684-21 of 28.01.2021.

The official name sounds as follows: "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the content of territories of urban and rural settlements, to water bodies, drinking water and drinking water supply, atmospheric air, soils, residential premises, operation of industrial, public premises, organizations and conducting sanitary-anti-epidemic ( Preventive) events. "

The document comes into force on March 1, 2021 and will act, as well as all new sanitary rules before March 1, 2027.

The document cancels a number of regulatory documents, and some of them are canceled from March 1, 2021, and some will be valid until January 1, 2022. Below will give a list of documents and the date of cancellation.

From March 1, 2021, Sanpin 2.1.3684-21 cancels the following regulatory documents:

Remain applicable until January 1, 2022:

What include new SanPiN 2.1.3684-21?

In the new sanitary rules of Sanpin 2.1.3684-21, there is no type of organization that would not find the requirements applied to it. The scope of the document is very diverse - it can be seen from the name of the document. Look at the table of contents:

  1. General requirements
  2. Contents of the territories (who, zbo, cesspools, public toilets, urns, burning foliage, cleaning the territory, beaches, parks, cemeteries) - everything is there
  3. Requirements for the quality of atmospheric air
  4. Requirements for water quality (drinking and household needs, non-centralized water supply systems)
  5. Requirements for water bodies (superficial and underground), there Zoo (sanitary protection zones)
  6. Coastal Water Protection
  7. Soil quality requirements
  8. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for equipment and maintenance of buildings and premises (apartment buildings, hostels, temporary placement centers - all here)
  9. San epidean organization. Processing of persons without a certain place of residence
  10. Requirements for waste management (medical waste, production waste, secondary recycled waste, polygons)
  11. Requirements for waste livestock and poultry
  12. Requirements for treatment of pesticides and agrochemicals
  13. Requirements for the placement and operation of radio-electronic means.

SanPine 2.1.3684-21 The document is quite voluminous by 75 pages. Contains a number of applications. Each chapter requires separate consideration and review. Let us dwell on several items of the most interesting chapters.

Requirements for the content of the territory
Sanpin 2.1.3684-21 from 28.01.2021

The waste collection platform should be located: - not closer than 20 meters from the residential building, - not closer to 25 meters from the medical facility (in the city), is not closer than 15 meters from a medical organization in rural areas.

The garbage collection should be carried out: - in the warm period (+ 5 * C and higher) - daily, in the cold period (+ 4 * C and below) - once in three days.

Containers for garbage collection should be no more than 8. Up to 12 containers under the following conditions: - 4 containers of TCO for separately the collection of secondary raw materials, - 2 KGO bunkers (large-dimensional garbage), - 6 TKO containers for collecting mixed waste.

Sanpin 2.1.3684-21 from 28.01.2021

Washing and disinfection of transportation for the transportation of waste is carried out at least 1 time in 10 days.

It is forbidden to export and dump of garbage and waste in any places that are not provided for this. This is to the question of unauthorized landfills or attempts of citizens to take out their garbage "in the forest", "in the field" and somewhere else.

It is forbidden to burn the foliage of trees and shrubs.

In the warm season of the year (+ 10 * C and above), sweeping and watering the carriageway, if the road has a moisture-resistant coating.

Sanpin 2.1.3684-21 from 28.01.2021

It is forbidden to place snow and ice (after cleaning the streets) on the territory of children's gaming and sports grounds, recreational and walking areas, on the surface of the ice sheet of water bodies, near the non-centralized sources, water supply (wells, wells) is a limitation of 50 meters.

Parks and mass recreation sites are equipped with public toilets at the rate of 1 toilet for 500 visitors. In the park area for every 800m, urns are placed, at a distance of no more than 40 meters from each other. Urn emptying is carried out daily.

Requirement for the quality of drinking water and household water supply

Water is recognized as high quality if it meets the following conditions:

  • During the year, no exceeding level was detected by indicators:
  • During the year, 95% of samples from 100% are compliant in terms of OMC, OKB, TKB, intestinal wand
  • During the year, no exceeds were detected by indicators:

The temperature of hot water should be at least 60 * C and no more than 75 * from at the point of water-based - that is, you have from the crane. Temperature Below - you are right to defend the requirement to normalize hot water temperature.

Requirement for the protection of water bodies.

Requirements for residential buildings, premises.
Sanpin 2.1.3684-21 from 28.01.2021

Common premises (staircases, elevators, corridors, etc.) are removed daily with the use of detergents and disinfectants.

In the building should not be rodents and insects, with their appearance there should be events for disinsection and deratization.

Ventilation from public facilities (organizations located in the building) should not be combined in general ventilation, except when it has been proven that it does not have a harmful effect on living and absent from harmful substances.

That is, to place the office of the lawyer can be indoors, which has common ventilation with a general one. Since his activity does not imply any emissions into the air.

Requirements for wasteheads:

  • covers must close and have rubber gaskets;
  • Cleaning, flushing, disinfection is carried out monthly;
  • In the waste cameras, the input must be separate;
  • Wet cleaning of the garbage cameras is held weekly;
  • Removal of garbage from the garbage receiving is carried out daily.
Sanpin 2.1.3684-21 from 28.01.2021

SanPine 2.1.3684-21 The document is quite extensive, many chapters require a separate analysis with comments. We will continue to publish reviews of the document of the document - Stay with us.

Write what you think about a new document, in the comments. Share your opinion about new requirements.

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