"What was a handsome guy" - appeared pictures of Safron's son to obesity


Luka Pozavkin was not always so overall

Luka Pozavkin, NTV.ru

Son Nikas Safronova recently constantly stuck somewhere. Now it is more perceived as a freak fat man than a talented musician.

At the same time, he is a kindness itself and refinement in everything related to the perception of the world. Many people love and want to come into shape as soon as possible.

And his form was gorgeous! Once.

Luca Pozavkin, News.Myseldon.com

I must say, Luke has a tendency to complete since childhood. And how she does not happen if he loved a lot and delicious food. In childhood, the boy weighed significantly more than his peers. And when the heir's weight passed for a hundred, the father set the condition - either you lose weight, or we are no longer friends.

2008 was a triumphal for a pianist. He took himself in his hands and achieved an ideal form - a taut body, subtle features, inspired glance. By the way, during this period, Luke is very similar to his famous dad.

Luca Pozavkin, Vesti.ru

According to the fifth channel, users found the old photos of the musician and were shocked by his beauty and charisma:

What was a handsome guy and what happened that he became so fully? If it's not a secret to fuck! What a beautiful! Horror from a normal guy turn into a helpless pig
Luca Salvkin, Instagram.com

However, Luka few will name "pigs". His kindness and cleanliness of the souls have human hearts to themselves. He is also not particularly experiencing because of the unnecessary kilos and even somehow joked that he dreams of reaching 250 kg - the magic of numbers, you see, attracts.

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