Why does not bloom spathifylum and what to do that "female happiness" abundantly bloomed in the house?

Why does not bloom spathifylum and what to do that

Flowers of "female happiness" always attract the attention of others. How else? After all, on the background of saturated green foliage, it is simply impossible not to notice the delicate white buds. But sometimes bloom does not occur for several years. The causes of such a phenomenon can be several. We will tell about everything in more detail.

Features of the growing culture

When appear buds and how does it happen?

"Women's Happiness" begins to dissolve buds with the arrival of spring, at the time when the day is increasing. For the winter, the plant is resting, gaining strength and is restored after the previous flowering.

Why does not bloom spathifylum and what to do that

Buds are blown up to the autumn. If the culture is adult and strong, then with competent care, it can bloom and the second time - at the end of the autumn or early winter.

This usually happens if the first bloom ended in the second half of summer. For several months, Spatiflow has time to relax and release new buds.

The young plant does not bloom under a year and stimulate it to the release of buds is not recommended, since such a culture is not yet ready for the provision and green mass, and blooming.

Does "female happiness" be silent?

All varieties of spathifylum are blooming cultures. The frequency and the duration of their flowering completely depends on the departure and the conditions created.

Causes of problems required care measures

Why does the foliage release?

If there is no color, but only the leaves grow, that is, the likelihood that the flower fever was overpowered with nitrogen fertilizer. Spathifulum fertilize with complex feeders, which includes nitrogen, and potassium, and phosphorus (the second element is just responsible for flowering).

Fertilizers are made at the beginning of spring, at this time the plant begins its vegetation. It is also important to feed the culture at the end of summer, when "female happiness" has already given its strength on the formation and maintenance of buds.

If the culture gave buds, and then stopped

There may be two options here.

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to watering plants. Without moisture, it immediately ceases to bloom, in addition to all the leaf plates dry, they darken, and then fall at all. "Women's happiness" requires moderate watering ("often and little" - not suitable for culture).
  • The second reason is again an excessive amount of nitrogen. If the spathifylum stopped the bloom sharply, it is worth remembering whether you have not introduced a nitrogen feeding recently.
If always gives leaves
Why does not bloom spathifylum and what to do that

In this case, it is worth reviewing the following points for the care of spatillum:

  • Vase size. If the root system is closely in a pot, it does not develop properly, therefore the plant will not bloom.
  • The state of the soil. After irrigation, the soil must be loosened (at least once a week). Otherwise, the soil will become dense, will not pass oxygen and water. Also at least once every two years, the culture is transplanted into a new substrate, since old during this time loses nutritional properties.
  • Insufficient lighting. Spathifulum is a plant that can survive in a half. But for abundant flowering, he needs a scattered light.
  • Podrel. This is a mandatory point of full-fledged plant care, without which bloom is unlikely perhaps.
  • Air humidity. The formation of buds contributes to moderately wet air. If he is overwhelmed, foliage loses its tour, and the flowering does not begin.
If only one flower has and no longer

When the culture feels that there is a lot of space around the roots, it is increasing only the root mass. Forces for flowering practically does not remain. The maximum of its capabilities is to throw one flower.

If it also grows poorly in the house

In this case, it is worth talking about a complete stopping of the development of culture. In order for the plant to recover, revise the departure points described above. In addition, pay attention to the presence of diseases and pests.

With their appearance, "women's happiness" stops its development, and then dies at all. Often, Spatifylum is sick with root rot. And from the pests most often attack the following: TLL, TRIPS, CULT TICKS AND MUCHUNE CHINER. Frame with them with processing insecticides.

What to do to color your plant abundantly?

So that buds flashed as often as possible and were bright and large, flowers should adhere to such recommendations:

  1. Regularly dry the ground, preventing the stress of water in it.
  2. Dry parts of the leaves cut.
  3. Watering is rare, but at the same time, abundantly (water is used soft, resolved).
  4. Fertilize culture with complex fertilizers.
  5. Spray the foliage of water room temperature daily (to add "zircon" to the water, which increases the immunity of the plant and stimulates its growth).
  6. Do not allow the formation of drafts.
  7. Once a season apply the means to stimulate flowering ("Bud" or "Domotertal").

Spathifulum - the plant is unpretentious, but for its flowering, it is still necessary to provide optimal conditions that are reduced to moderate watering, air humidification and regular feeding.

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