History of "Iron Lady of Glossa" Anna Winters, which became a prototype of the Terrible Commander in the film "The Devil wears Prada"


Before the release of the film "The Devil wears Prada", the name of Anna Witri was known in mostly people from the world of fashion. But after it turned out that in many respects the image of Mirandi was attracted by the Winters, Millions had learned about the permanent main editor of Vogue magazine with a tough leadership style. However, the film is a movie, and in life everything is much more interesting. Anna is recognized as one of the most influential figures in the world of modern fashion. It is known for its impeccable style, unchanged professionalism and perfectionism.

Since the most incredible rumors around Anna walk around the name, we decided to find out who, Anna Winty, actually, and why she received nickname nuclear winter.

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  • Anna was born in London in 1949. Her father was the editor of the newspaper, and Mom was engaged in public activities. By the way, Anna Winters belongs to the noble child: her grandmother on the paternal line is a grandmother of the famous novelist of the late XVIII century Lady Elizabeth Foster, Duchess Devonshire.
  • During his studies at school, Anna often protested against the dress code, not wanting to wear a school uniform. For example, she loved short skirts and herself cut the hem. Also at the age of 14, she made a short bob haircut, which to this day is part of her image. That is, the coarse practically did not change his hairstyle for 58 years.
  • Her father since childhood instilled his daughter interest in fashion. Anna said this: "I think he really decided for me that I should work in fashion." When Anna was 15 years old, his father arranged her to work in the famous boutique BIBA, the main rule of which sounded like this: "Never offer help to buyers."

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  • At 15, Anna began to communicate and be friends with young people older and with connections. So, she became friends with the famous writer Pierce by Paul Reed, who was 24 years old, and later launched an acquaintance with the popular Columnist and the Lighted Brisper by Nigel Dempster.
  • At 16, the girl decided not to enter the university, but to do fashionable journalism. At the insistence of parents, she started training in the largest fashion department store Harrods, and also engaged in courses, but soon threw his studies with the words: "You either understand the fashion or not." Soon, one of Anna buddies arranged her to work in his own magazine. This was the beginning of the future brilliant career.
  • For a while, the girl worked in the editors of fashion magazines in London, applied a variety of innovative approaches in the supply of materials, but at some point he decided to leave England and moved to New York.

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  • Soon the coarse was the younger editor of the fashion department at Harper's Bazaar. True, her innovative ideas about photographs of the new format in the journal led to the fact that the chief editor dismissed the girl in 9 months.
  • At about the same time, the rumor was spread that Anna was represented by Bob Marley and they were missing somewhere for a whole week. However, in 2017, in an interview with the Witri, she was actually never met with a legendary musician.
  • Anna became one of the first editors who began to invite stars to cover the magazine. She realized that it increases sales. Later, this trend picked up almost all publishers.
  • Winters always dreamed of getting a job in Vogue magazine. Once, her former colleague agreed for her about an interview with the editor-in-chief of Vogue Grace Mirabella. True, the conversation ended after the coat said Grace that he wanted to take her place.

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  • Ultimately, Anna still switched to work in Vogue. The director of the publisher of this journal was impressed with the effectiveness of her previous work and suggested her the post of creative director Vogue in America. The coarse adopted a proposal by demanding the doubling of wages and full freedom of action.
  • She believed that the magazine became boring and outdated, so he began to actively change his concept. Many of their orders Anna did not agree with the chief editor, and this inevitably led to frictions between employees. To avoid sharp conflicts, the press management decided to appoint coin the chief editor of British Vogue, and she returned to London.
  • In the new post, she immediately changed many employees and demonstrated a new, pretty hard type of management. Then the nickname Nuclear Wintour was entrenched behind her, that is, a nuclear winter: due to the consonance of her name Winter (winter).

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  • After 10 months, the Winters headed American Vogue, because with the old editor he began to take the positions of the recently released Ellue magazine. The first thing Anna decided to change the style of covers. Previously, there were models in expensive clothes posing in special studios. The coat solved that it was better to take pictures on the street, as well as attract less well-known models to work. In addition, she suggested mixing outfits from-couture with inexpensive clothes.
  • As a result, the cover of the first number, for which he answered the coat, turned out to be revolutionary for 1988. She was a photograph of a 19-year-old model Mikael Berk in the faded jeans with a low waist for $ 50 and decorated with large rhinestones jacket from Christian Lacroix for $ 10 thousand. Incident, it was the first time the model on the Cover Vogue was in jeans. Initially it was assumed that Michael would put on the skirt, but the girl added a little in weight due to pregnancy, so the skirt did not come up.

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© Vogue.

  • True, years later, Anna acknowledged that the photo came to the cover almost by chance: "I just said:" Well, let's try. " And we went. It was very natural. For me, it simply meant: "This is something new. This is something else. " Moreover, the printers later called to make sure that it was really a photo for the cover, as they thought that a mistake could be allowed. " Then the coat said that if she had to choose her best cover, it would be exactly her.
  • Anna perfectly understood new audience requests. She spoke like this: "Women appeared new type. They are interested in business and money. They no longer have no time for shopping. They want to know what, why, where and how. "
  • Despite the crazy work schedule, Anna did not forget about his personal life. In 1984, she married Professor of Children's Psychiatry David Sheffer. Soon the couple had two children - Charles and Catherine. The son graduated from Oxford University and became a doctor. The daughter graduated from Columbia University and sometimes wrote columns for the Daily Telegraph. In 2018, she married Italian director Francesco Carrotscini, the Son of the Chief Editor Vogue Italia.

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  • In 1999, the coarse was divorced with her husband. Newspapers argued that her novel was the cause of the divorce with the investor Shelby Brian. Anna itself abandoned comment. True, her friends noted that the new Beloved softened the character of the "Iron Lady". "Now she smiles and even sometimes laughs," said one of the friends of the coarse the press.
  • Over the years, the coarse began to be considered one of the most influential persons in the fashion world, a person who is asking tendencies and opening new names. The Guardian even called it the "unofficial mayor of New York." She strongly recommended fashionable homes to hire younger designers. For example, thanks to her, John Galliano began working on the Fashion House of Christian Dior. Also, she recently convinced Brooks Brothers to hire not the most famous designer Tom Brown.
  • It was reported that in 2005 its salary was $ 2 million per year. In addition, she used such privileges as the Mercedes-Benz S-class car with a driver (both in New York and abroad), cash allowance for purchases of $ 200 thousand and the Suite at the Ritz Paris Hotel, which Anna occupied during a visit to European fashion shows. Also, the president of the publishing house instructed the company to provide it with an interest-free loan in the amount of $ 1.6 million to buy Townhouse.

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  • Winters have a rather strict routine of the day. She tries to wake up until 6 in the morning, plays tennis and early arrives at the Vogue office. Anna always arrives on fashionable shows long before their start. According to the documentary series BBC "Woman Boss", it rarely happens at parties longer than 20 minutes, because every day goes to sleep at 22:15.
  • It is said that she has 3 permanent assistants, but sometimes she surprises callers, independently answering phone calls. At the same time, Anna often turns his mobile phone to dine calmly. Usually it prefers high-blooded food, such as a steak, a hamburger without a bun, smoked salmon, fried eggs.
  • Of course, due to the high position of the coat, its wardrobe is often subject to careful analysis. At the beginning of her career, she loved to combine fashionable T-shirts and jackets with designer jeans. Then her favorite clothes were chanel costumes with mini skirts.
  • In the choice of shoes Anna more conservative: since 1994, it prefers the shoes from Manolo Blahnik with two intersecting straps in front and one strap from behind. Shoes are made to order so that the block can be perfect under the foot of the coat. The designer manufactures shoes in two light shades, which are harmoniously combined with the tone of the skin of the demanding customers.

  • Anna more than once became the target of animal rights organizations, since herself loves fur and often uses fur products for fashion filming in Vogue. According to one of Vogue employees, "no one wore a fur until she placed him on the cover in the early 1990s. She lit the entire industry. "
  • One of the indispensable coarse accessories was its large sunglasses. Many people think that dark glasses are part of the harsh image, and Anna, as it were, hiding behind them, as for armor. But in fact, Anna simply sees badly, and corrective lenses are in-rim.
  • Despite the fact that in 2013, the coat was included in the list of The Guardian as "one of 50 best of all the people older than 50 years old," she had and fashionable failures. So, in 2008, she appeared at a secular event in a dress from Karl Lagerfeld, which was called the "worst fashion fault of the year." Critics noted that the dress made a coin like a heroine of the fantastic film David Lynch "Dune". Someone said that "she looked as if it was inlaid by fossils."

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  • Anna Winurov received widespread fame after the publication of the book "The Devil wears Prada", which her former assistant Lauren Weisberger wrote. In the novel, Mirandi's character has a lot of common with the coin: she is also a British, she has two children, she has a hard leader and loves to put the difficult tasks to put their subordinates, and then scolds for non-compliance. Although the author claimed that he was relied not only on his own experience in the fashion world, but also on the experience of his friends.
  • The coat itself did not particularly comment on the book, saying that she "always like excellent artworks. I still did not decide whether I will read it or not. " After the success of the book, it was decided to shoot the film. There were rumors that during filming Anna strongly advised the well-known people from the world of fashion and designers not to appear in the picture, otherwise Vogue will not write about them. However, the coin itself later denied it.
  • The film was released in 2006 and had a great success. The coat came to the premiere in a suit from Prada, demonstrating an excellent sense of humor. It is curious that the Cabinet of Miranda was attracted on the screen, it was quite very similar to the Cabinet of Watriors, so by Anna soon decided to repair it. At the same time, she noted that the film seemed to her "really interesting," and praised him for showing fashion "exciting and glamorous."

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© The Devil Wears Prada / 20th Century Fox Film Corporation, © AP / East News, © Actualitté / CC BY-SA 2.0 / Wikimedia Commons

  • The coarses are often described as an emotionally dismissed woman who behaves quite cold even with friends. Someone from journalists said that "at a certain stage of his career, Anna Winters ceased to be Anna Winters and became" Anna Winters "." That is, she closed from all the most of his personality and became a brand. However, it is possible that the coldness of the coarse is simply a manifestation of traditional British restraint.
  • Also criticized the striving of coarse subjugate to all those surrounding it with its own standards. For example, in 2005, Creative director of Vogue Andre Leon Talley said at the Winfrey Opro show, which at some point Anna demanded that he would lose. "Most girls in Vogue are so thin, incredibly thin," he said, "because Miss Anna does not like full people."
  • Once at Fashion Week in Milan, she asked to postpone key shows at the beginning of the week so that her and other American editors had time to return home before showing in Paris. As a result, many remained unhappy, because some young designers who were supposed to represent their collections in the final were deprived of an important part of the audience. Dolce & Gabbana then stated that Milan turns into a "meaningless circus".

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  • Today, the legendary Anna of Winters is 71 years old, and, despite the whole criticism, she built a really brilliant career: she is permanently headed by Vogue magazine since 1988. When Anna was asked to comment on her hard style of leadership, numerous complaints of employees and her complex character, she answered like this: "I have so many people here who worked with me 15, 20 years old. And, you know if I am such a bitch, then they must be Masochists, because they are still here. If sometimes someone seems cold or sharp, then it's just because I strive for the better. " Her friend, Karl Lagerfeld designer, somehow said about her: "She is honest. She tells you what he thinks. "Yes" - yes, and "no" is not. "
  • Anna Wintur is actively engaged in charity. She is a trustee of the Metropolitan Museum in New York, where he organized charitable funds for the Costume Institute. She also founded the foundation to support and promote young fashion designers. In addition, she managed to collect more than $ 10 million for charity organizations to combat AIDS.

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  • When, in 2011, Forbes magazine placed her on the 69th place on his list of 100 most influential women in the world, Anna stressed that he did not consider himself an influential person. And also said: "Do you know what it means? This means that you get the best places in restaurants or various tickets for events. But also this is a great opportunity to help others, and for this I am extremely grateful. "

Have you watched the movie "The Devil wears Prada"? Image of Anna Winters for you rather positive or negative?

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