Amnesty International calls on the international community to influence the Belarusian authorities

Amnesty International calls on the international community to influence the Belarusian authorities 4198_1
Amnesty International calls on the international community to influence the Belarusian authorities 4198_2
Amnesty International calls on the international community to influence the Belarusian authorities 4198_3

Amnesty International has published a new report on how "the Belarusian authorities use a justice system to persecute victims of torture, and not guilty of their application." Amnesty International called attempts to achieve justice within Belarus "hopeless" and called on the international community to take active steps to ensure justice for victims and bringing responsibility. The new report of the organization published evidence of people who were beaten by the security forces not only in August last year, but also in the fall. For example, Amnesty International leads the words of Minsk citizen Victor (named), which was detained on October 11, not far from the place of a peaceful protest action, in which he said, he did not participate.

"On that day he was taken to the Avtozak, where they held other people, including one with a head injury. Victor said that the police officer repeatedly suggested on the last detained weapon, similar to a shotgun, insulted him and threatened to shoot. Later, Victor and others were transferred to another car facility and forced to go through the "corridor", where there were about 20 officers who were beaten by their clubs. They were taken to the police department for registration. Beating continued when detainees were transferred from the police station to the detention facility in Zhodino. Victor remembers that the police chief went to Zhodino in their van and asked the subordinates, as they treated the detainees and were forced to "sing the hymn". In response, one of his subordinates said that they did not have time for it, and apologized. Brutal appeal resumed on arrival at the insulator. One man who spoke in protest when the police insulted another detainee, was forced to squat naked before the rest. Within 25 hours of detention, Viktor and other detainees did not give food or drinking water, "the report says.

After liberation from the insulator, the International Organization writes, Victor has filed a formal complaint against torture and other types of ill-treatment. At the time of writing the article, the investigation of his complaint was not carried out. The report also told about the died during the protests and the death of Roman Bondarenko. There are several links to Plum Bypol.

Amnesty International calls on the authorities of Belarus immediately and unconditionally free all people detained exclusively for their human rights, including the right to freedom of peaceful assemblies and expressions. The organization also says that Belarusian authorities need to immediately put an end to violations of human rights of protesters, human rights defenders, political and civil activists and others, in particular:

stop the practice of prohibition and overclocking peaceful street assemblies; terminate the use of illegal, excessive and arbitrary strength; Immediately terminate the practice of the content of people in conditions that are equivalent to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, including the refusal of the necessary medical care, deprivation of food, water and sleep, as well as overcrowding in custody chambers; take all measures, "To put an end to the illegal killings committed by law enforcement officers"; impartially and effectively investigate all alleged murders and torture and attract involved persons; Immediately remove from the fulfillment of its duties of any employee of law enforcement agencies, regardless of his rank suspected of responsibility or complicity in acts of torture and other types of ill-treatment or other aforementioned human rights violations, including factories of criminal or administrative charges - prior to an impartial and independent investigation of the relevant approvals and prosecution within a fair trial; provide full and adequate compensation to all victims of torture and other types of ill-treatment of compensation, rehabilitation, satisfaction of non-use and repetition guarantees; Immediately end the practice of the anonymity of the security forces in the form and other law enforcement officers and create conditions for all law enforcement officials can be identified individually with the help of funds such as the use of clearly displayed personal names or individual numbers, as well as the presence of differences on them that allow you to clearly identify the forces they represent; immediately terminate the practice of using security forces in the staff for arrests in the style of abduction; Regularly publish full and detailed statistics, both at the national and local level, on registered violations and the results of the relevant investigation and prosecution.

A complete list of recommendations is provided in the report.

Amnesty International also calls on international and regional organizations to encourage Belarus's authorities to take all the steps outlined above; In multilateral forums, including in the context of existing reports and dialogues of the Council on Human Rights, to solve issues "by the state of impunity and illegal force, torture and other unscrupulous actions on the part of law enforcement officers."

The organization appeals to the international community and asks to conduct a comprehensive study of all available and potential prosecution options, including jurisdictions, which are currently available for judicial decisions on illegal strength, torture and other ill-treatment by employees of Belarusian law enforcement agencies, and evaluate options Expansion of such jurisdictions.

Amnesty International also calls to create and maintain mechanisms and processes for investigating and documenting these violations, protection and support of their victims, collecting and maintaining evidence of crimes in accordance with international law and, ultimately, ensuring the responsibility of responsibility. Such support may be judicial, medical, technical, legal, financial or to be different.

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