Baby haircut up to a year. For and against, tips and recommendations, myths and superstition


There are many myths and superstitions regarding the haircut of children to one year. At the same time, opinions were divided into those who are "for" and those who are categorically "against". But the most interesting thing is that myths are common not only in our country, but also around the world and we tried to refute a number of superstitions, as well as give recommendations about the haircut of the baby.

Baby haircut up to a year. For and against, tips and recommendations, myths and superstition 4197_1

Myths about haircut kids up to one year

Myth 1. Haircut of children in the period of 0+ to 1 year increases the thickness of the hairproof. This visual deception arose due to the fact that after birth, the hairs are "slightly", which opens up allegedly propelly. The haircut allows the hairpins to grow evenly and it seems that the hair grow thicker. In fact, the delicate of hair depends on the number of hair lows and the haircut does not increase them.

Myth 2. Some parents believe that cutting off a strand of hair to a year and showing her to the child on the first day of the school, the child will be an excellent student. Believe me, cut hair does not affect the harmonious development of mental abilities.

Baby haircut up to a year. For and against, tips and recommendations, myths and superstition 4197_2

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Myth 3. Haircut up to a year makes hair in the future silky and stopped. Only the right care is influenced by these two qualities, but not a haircut.

Myth 4. Sliced ​​curl laid under the pillow makes the child's sleep calm and promises good dreams. Check the truthfulness of this myth is difficult, but we are modern people and understand that the relationship between the curl and dreams is pretty shaky.

Signs and myths of other nationalities

In India, there are always babies with naked, symbolizing the farewell with the past and the beginning of a new life. In Mongolia, the first haircut is discharged separate attention, turning into a real holiday. In Israel, in general, until three years old, they do not cut the children, but the restriction is distributed only to boys.

Baby haircut up to a year. For and against, tips and recommendations, myths and superstition 4197_3
Slavs also believed that it was forbidden to cut up to a year, since in their opinion in the hair and the child's health. In addition, it was believed that wealth and luck and good luck go along with cropped hair.

The opinion of people speaking "for" haircut up to the year

To the question, why you need to cut, usually people answer "my parents Streigley, and I cut," "Long hair make a boy look like a girl," "In the summer it is hot," "without hair it is easier to remove hormonal crusts."

Opinion of people speaking "against" haircuts up to the year

The structure of the hair onion is defined in the womb of the mother, so that they cut to influence the external hair records, it makes no sense. Children fear the buzz of the machine and do not sit in place during the haircut. Without hair, the child will freeze the head. The hair is partially protected from the penetration of infections and bacteria.

Baby haircut up to a year. For and against, tips and recommendations, myths and superstition 4197_4

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How and when to cut? Recommendations

Strengit child depending on its temperament. If he is calm in the morning, then plan the procedure for the first half of the day. Do not cut a child if it is punished. He, so, at this moment is not sweet, and additional stress to nothing. In no case do not use the razor machine. The skin of the kid is still very gentle. Strengthen the baby in the game form so that this procedure does not cause stress in the future.

During the haircut, support a conversation with him, laugh and smile. After the haircut, be sure to pay a child so that the remnants of the aggressive hair do not pour his tender skin. Tools necessarily disinfect. Remember that one-year-old kids cannot sit without movement for a long time, which means that you need to fully cut hard-to-reach places. Do not be nervous, as your mood is transferred to the child. Turn on the cartoons to distract it and try to use the trimmer, instead of a loud-up typewriter.

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