5 YouTube channels about physics and chemistry for children

5 YouTube channels about physics and chemistry for children 4179_1

Cool experiments and theory of simple language

Physics and chemistry in schools are beginning to learn about the seventh grade, although many children have an interest in these sciences much earlier. Personal children can satisfy it using simple scientific experiments and sets for small scientists.

But all the simple experiments you have already spent, and before the lessons of physics and chemistry at school are still far away. Or worse: the lessons began, but they don't give anything interesting for them to children, make it only forcing the formula and solve typical tasks.

How not to lose interest in the sciences? This will help the educational channels on YouTube. Teachers disassemble the most interesting topics of physics and chemistry courses.

GetAclass - Physics in experiments and experiments

Teachers on this channel disassemble the main topics of physics, but they are in them without a heap of formulas. Examples from life help to explain different laws and phenomena.

In short rollers, the concepts of the speed and mass, the structure of the microscope and the capacitor, the laws of worldy gravity and much more are disassembled. Complicated topics are explained here on examples of simple items and substances that surround all of us. Did you think that even an ordinary pulverizer from the point of view of physics is not so simple?

Many experiments from this channel can be carried out at home with sweater. Another authors in individual videos advise interesting textbooks and books for those who want to go deep into the study of topics.

Physics from Pobedinsky

The author of this channel further pays to the explanation like ordinary things. He disassembled why the voltage in the outlet is 220 volts (and is it really), why in the United States chose such a strange measurement system and how helium changes human voice.

The lead explains more complex phenomena. For example, fate. Yes, physics is also involved in it. And still puts unusual experiments: trying to assemble the Tesla coil for only 100 rubles and even a pocket heater.

The topics of the rollers are diverse, most devoted to the physics, but there are also interesting videos for mathematics fans. Also useful from a practical point of view, because mathematics is important even for music.

Chemistry - simple

On this channel, exciting chemical experiments are carried out. Many of them will make surely at home. After all, only a real cheer knows what is better to make a water filter, how to wash the iodine and the greenstock and defeat blockages. Of course, not all videos here are similar to very advanced homework lessons.

From other rollers, you can find out, for example, how to survive with a nuclear explosion and protect against radiation. And learn how to create a solid solution and a green flame. There are a video from the series "Course of the Young Chemist" to deal with the main safety issues. And reviews for "magic" (actually scientific) products with Aliexpress.

Scientific show Professor Nicolas

Shaw will like the children to videos. It disassemble more simple and spectacular experiments, and with Professor the show leads Hryusha. Experiments are also very different here: you can find out how to draw light and endangered ink, grow algae right in the glass, create artificial snow and also a bunch of everything. There are on the channel rollers and other formats, in which they also show how to conduct experiments and unusual experiments.


Without video with spectacular experiments, this channel may seem boring against the rest of the rest, but the first impression is incorrect. Even without bright experiments, the author of the channel affordably explains various topics from the field of physics and chemistry (more biology, medicine, history and economy).

If the schoolboy truth loves physics, then it will definitely want to learn everything about electromagnetic waves, optics and other topics that seem terribly complex. But thanks to detailed and understandable explanations to understand them will be very interesting.

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