In Yandex, confirmed the data leakage of 4.8 thousand custom mailboxes

In Yandex, confirmed the data leakage of 4.8 thousand custom mailboxes 4160_1

The Yandex Security Service has discovered and disclosed information about the fact of the internal leakage of data, due to which the compromised information of 4887 mailboxes of ordinary users turned out to be compromised.

In Yandex, they report that all victims have already received appropriate notifications and recommendations for changing credentials.

In the official commentary of Yandex, the following is said about this security incident: "During the next check, our security service revealed the fact of internal information leakage. After conducting an investigation, our specialists found out that one of the company's employees illegally provided access to mailboxes of several thousand users. This employee is a system administrator who has had relevant access rights, because they needed to solve professional tasks to ensure the technical support of our postal service. "

Ilya Grabovsky, head of the company's corporate communications company Yandex, stated that the security service immediately blocked the unauthorized access of third parties to the compromised accounts of users of the postal service. Each affected user has been sent a notice of the need for an urgent change of credentials.

"According to the discovered cyber security incident, our security service is already conducting an internal investigation. This is a serious situation that led to the compromise of personal data by almost 5 thousand of our users. In this regard, we will definitely revise the work processes of our system administrators who have the appropriate authority and access rights. We will do our best to minimize the impact of the human factor on the security of personal user information. In addition to the internal investigation, our company has already submitted a statement in law enforcement agencies to an employee who delighted data leakage, "said Ilya Grabovsky.

In the official statement of the company it is said that "Yandex is very regrets about what happened and apologizes to the users affected by the security incident."

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