Learning to save on heating: just translate windows to winter mode

Learning to save on heating: just translate windows to winter mode 4156_1
Learning to save on heating: just translate windows to winter mode Ekaterina Volotkovich

Plastic windows - no longer a luxury, but a completely familiar piece of each house. But despite this, many still do not know how and why regulate them. And by the way in certain situations, adjusting the plastic window, you can not only improve the microclimate in the house, but also save on its heating. We understand how to translate PVC windows to winter mode. Why do this? When installing a new one, the wizard only brought from the plastic window the wizard puts the so-called neutral mode on it. In this case, the gum of seals around the perimeter of the window is pressed moderately to the frame, they have not lost elasticity and perfect their functions perfectly, do not pass the cold air through the slots. And first, and sometimes - and the first few years of gum continue to work properly

Learning to save on heating: just translate windows to winter mode Ekaterina Volotkovich

Expert's opinion: Afanasyev E.V. Head editor of the STROYDAY.RU. As a result, drafts appear, the apartment or the house is quickly cooled. This time is required winter adjustment of windows. It will help to close the gum and reduce the risk of drafts.

Learning to save on heating: just translate windows to winter mode 4156_2
The process of adjusting the plastic windows of Ekaterina Volotkovich

Important! The first years of the window should not regulate depending on the season. It can only harm. The fact is that during the winter frame mode, the rubber band is too tightly compressed and it is deformed. Adjustment is needed only when the seal has lost its properties. By the way, if you correctly adjust the windows depending on seasonality, you can also get rid of the windows of windows, the appearance of mold in the apartment and excessive dampness. Thus, the microclimate in the house will be as favorable as possible. The installation time of the summer regime sealers are compressed as weaker than. This allows you to achieve optimal air microcirculation indoors. In such a way the difference between the winter regime from the summer - in the strength of the clamping of the window to the frame and squeezing the seals. That is, when setting up on the winter mode, pressing the maximum and tightness of the window system is also. So, the cold from the street does not penetrate, and the heat does not leave the room. And if the summer mode is installed on the window, then press is minimal.

Learning to save on heating: just translate windows to winter mode 4156_3
Window Modes Winter-Summer: Position of the Kappa Ekaterina Volotkovich

Important! If you are translated in the fall of the windows in the winter mode, do not forget to translate them in the spring in summer. Otherwise, the risk to spoil hopelessly all the seals by handing them, and they will have to be changed to new ones. How to check the tightness to understand that the windows are already required by seasonal adjustment? Everything is simple. A few years after installing the windows, check their tightness. Make it is very simple, there are three ways: the use of paper; the use of fire; tactile method. There is a simple, but less accurate option - tactile. In this case, you just need to bring the palm to the edge of the frame and to tell along it, try to feel, does not blow with cold air. True, it will be possible to identify only obvious obvious problems, and in the cold season.

Learning to save on heating: just translate windows to winter mode 4156_4
Check the tightness of the window Ekaterina Volotkovich

Check for small drafts can be used by the flame. To do this, it is enough to take matches or a candle, light them and drive around the perimeter of the window. If there are no flame deviations, then there are no drafts. If somewhere there are oscillations of the light, it means the tightness of the window is broken. With the help of paper, the method of checking is also very simple. It is enough to take an ordinary album sheet, smoothly clamp it between the sash and the frame of the window, close them, and then try to pull the sheet. If it is not amenable, then the window is fine. If the sheet is removed easily, the frame is urgently required adjustment. How to adjust the window window regulation, depending on seasonality, actually, the procedure is very simple, and you can perform it yourself without spending money to call the wizard. To do this, on the end of the window, you need to find so-called trumps - small adjustment elements. They have small marks - it can be dashes or points. When the window is configured to the middle mode, the mark is in the middle of the pin at the top. If she is turned toward the street, then the window is in summer mode. In winter mode, the mark looks towards the room. The spps are different. For example, oval. In this case, there are no marks, but it is necessary to navigate when setting up the position of the oval. If it is vertically, the window is in summer mode, and horizontally - in winter mode. If the oval is oriented diagonally, the window in the neutral position.

Learning to save on heating: just translate windows to winter mode 4156_5
Types of Tsarf on the windows of Ekaterina Volotkovich

On a note! How much is the Tsamp at the window - just can only make the manufacturer. But, as a rule, the larger the window, the greater the TsAPF. During configuration, you need to adjust everything. What is needed in order to adjust the windows? Little patience and: pliers; Hexagon 4 mm; crusades and flat screwdrivers. I do not need all these tools at once. It will be necessary for something one, depending on the type of fittings and the manufacturer of windows. The hex key is most often used. To easily and easily independently adjust the windows, it is recommended to use the instruction that comes with the windows. It is in it that the manufacturer reveals all the subtleties of working with a specific window model. In the average, the instructions for adjusting windows looks approximately the same. Therefore, we give as examples instructions for adjusting the window with round eccentrics with a shifted center. You can focus on it in any case. Hasha 1. The first thing the window needs to be laundered from dust and dirt and be sure to lubricate all the fittings. Silicone compounds can be used as lubrication. All rubber seals should also be checked.

Learning to save on heating: just translate windows to winter mode 4156_6
Learning to save on heating: just translate windows to winter mode Ekaterina Volotkovich

Step 2. Next you need to find all the eccentrics-pin and see what position they are. This pin is in the middle position.

Learning to save on heating: just translate windows to winter mode 4156_7
Learning to save on heating: just translate windows to winter mode Ekaterina Volotkovich

Tip! Regulatory windows must be performed at a temperature not lower than 5-10 degrees.

Step 3. Next, you can take the hex key and rotate the pin to the desired position. In our case, this is the turn clockwise until the wide part of the center is "watch" in the direction of the room.

Learning to save on heating: just translate windows to winter mode 4156_8
Learning to save on heating: just translate windows to winter mode Ekaterina Volotkovich

Step 4. Thus, you need to turn all the trumps around the window perimeter.

Learning to save on heating: just translate windows to winter mode 4156_9
Learning to save on heating: just translate windows to winter mode Ekaterina Volotkovich

After that, it remains only to check whether the window is adjusted correctly. Just open and close it. In theory, it should be closed tight. But still use a sheet of paper, as described in tightness check above, and make sure that everything is adjusted correctly, and the windows have become densely closed.

Video - Adjusting PVC windows with your own hands

As we see, with the adjustment of the windows, it is quite possible to cope on your own, without causing a wizard. There is nothing complicated in this procedure. The main thing is to deal with what eccentrics have your windows, and find where they are all located. And the translation of windows in the winter mode is an excellent option to save on heating in the house, because the heat simply will not be able to leave the room through the slots in the windows. So, it will be necessary to pump the house less.

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