Problems on controlled by Azerbaijan sites are not solved. Ombudsman summed up the monitoring results

Problems on controlled by Azerbaijan sites are not solved. Ombudsman summed up the monitoring results 4153_1

When determining the borders, there are two main questions: whether they cause violation of human rights, and not only residents of border areas, but also of the entire people, and whether the security and inviolability of borders are not violated, Armenian Tatatan Ombudsman said at a press conference on Tuesday.

Today, Tataryan presented his conclusions and observations on the results of monitoring visits to Syunik and Gegharkunik.

The defender of human rights stated that specifically in the case of the Syunik and Gegarkician regions of violations are obvious. The monitoring has revealed controversial issues. For example, the village of Shurnuch turned out to be divided into 2 parts, Armenian and Azerbaijani, the section of the section passes on the shuttle-owned Armenian villagers, and the border post in the courtyard of the dock.

"This is the result of a mechanical approach. When determining the boundaries, this approach is unacceptable, "Tatokan emphasized, reminding that now the definition of borders is carried out using GPS and Google cards.

"Google private company. We used other private maps, and received other results. Other cards show the same Churnuch completely Armenian. And on other sites there are similar problematic issues, "added Ombudsman.

A mechanical approach, in which 21 km from the 68-kilometer road, connecting the Goris and Kapan, was under Azerbaijani control, gave a reason for provocations by Azerbaijan. They appear some signs "Welcome to Azerbaijan" with a map, on which part of the Syunik "included" in Azerbaijan. Periodically armed Azerbaijanis appear on the road. "These are the roads connecting our civilian settlements - and this is the result of a mechanical approach. And this happens not only in Goris, in the area of ​​Kapana Airport. Studies suggest that a direct threat appeared not only for the airport, but also the road connecting Kapan with Yerevan, civilian populated areas. In the Megri district, a similar situation. Physical and psychological inviolability of people under threat. The right to property is rudely broken, "said Tataryan.

Noting the selfless service of the military, border guards, an important mission of Russian peacekeepers, a human rights defender noticed that there are unresolved questions that could cause long-term problems. "Imagine that" Azerbaijani "areas, where you are advised to go fast, an accident will occur? What legislation is guided by? And if an accident with the participation of Armenian and Azerbaijani cars? Or are the man? Or the car will deteriorate? Or will the crime happen? If this is the Azerbaijani territory - will Azerbaijani experts come to act against citizens of Armenia? Or will drive? And this can happen at any time. These questions need to hastily decide because they concern human rights, "the ombudsman reminded.

At the same time, he stressed that antiarrhanian propaganda not only did not stop in Azerbaijan, but also aggravated, the case was put on the institutional framework: "We have forgotten about war crimes? It was not 200 years ago, but in just a few days. Safety issues should be considered in this context. Azerbaijani military distribute cards, where the sinic is their territory. And it's all under antiary slogans and calls to ethnic cleansing. "

Arman Tatashan reminded that, as in the whole world, the question must study the Commission and offer options. According to him, in response to the appeal of Azerbaijan to the Soviet period of Armenia, the historical events of the 20s should also be remembered, the KGDA was created by Red Kurdistan, where Zengelaan entered, in order to separate Armenia from Artsakh. The Ombudsman said that old-timers of the village were found with the help of the mayor of Kapan, who showed concrete pillars of half a century ago, with the image of the sickle and hammer - this is the old demarcation pillars established by order from Moscow, when the Azerbaijani side tried to get the Armenian territory.

However, there is a problem here, since old maps were made on the basis of agriculture priorities, to the detriment of accuracy.

Now, according to the results of a mechanical approach, individuals and communities lost hundreds of Earth - Pashen, gardens, pastures. Many villagers clog the cattle and leave the edge. "Despite the fact that the owners of the Earth and the houses that have passed the Azerbaijani side are owned by the official bodies of Armenia documents confirming their right to property," Tatashan added.

A similar situation with investors who have invested solid funds into objects, which are now on the Azerbaijani side. According to the Ombudsman, the Azerbaijani side is obliged to compensate, as the initiator of war and ethnic cleansing. In this regard, it is necessary to contact international judicial instances.

"The state must act in the interests of citizens and the inviolability of borders. The law on administrative-territorial division cannot be tied to the borders. The question of determining the external borders is a completely different question, even if the laws are mentioned in the law with Azerbaijan, "said the Ombudsman, stressing that the Azerbaijani Armed Military should not be near the civilians.

Problems on controlled by Azerbaijan sites are not solved. Ombudsman summed up the monitoring results 4153_2

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