UAZ-452 "loaf" Copy or Soviet Original?


A little about "loaf". The Soviet car industry is very often accused of the fact that the appearance of many, most of the part, cars taken from their foreign predecessors or contemporaries.


For example, as an example, Fiat 124 and VAZ-2101 are often given. Look at the photo below. A person is not experienced very difficult to understand where the copy, and where is the original? Where Fiat, and where "Kopeika".


Exactly the same story with Muscovic-402 and Opolem. It is noteworthy that Moskvich began to be produced in the USSR in 1956, a year before the extraction of the original from Opel.


And one more example is GAZ-24 and Ford Falcon. It is also noteworthy here that the "Volga" is made after the cessation of Ford.


Today's Russia has one of several automotive symbols. He remained since the times of the USSR and is still produced and is actively bought not only with us, but also foreign buyers. This is UAZ-452.

The fact that Soviet designers copied the design of foreign, European and American cars, I knew. But about the "loaf" I did not even think about whether it was a copy or not. It turned out that both "loaf" is a copy of the American car.

Meet Jeep Forward Control. A light truck with a cabin over the engine began to produce in 1956. For it used steel frame from Willys. Initially, only trucks were made.


Few later on the frame began to install vans. And in addition to freight and passenger JEEP FC, special-purpose cars have been produced - for military, fire trucks, ambulances.


In the US, this car was not too popular, so its production was rolled in 1965. The all-wheel drive van and a truck stopped producing in the United States, but in the same year the first UAZ-452 came down from the conveyor in the USSR. Jeep FC continued its existence outside the states.

Vladimir Aryamov, autoconstructor and designer, took many features of Jeep FC for the authorship of Brook Stevens and presented his vision of a new all-wheel drive vehicle with a steel frame.


The prototype "loaf" UAZ-450 did not become popular, since the UAZ-452 or simply "loaf".


Today on the Internet there is a new version of the Design "Buanka". It is said that this is only an independent design of some enthusiast.

Message uAZ-452 "Bukka" copy or Soviet original? appeared first on Arkady Ilyukhin.

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