Excessive in the farm does not happen: the use of chips and sawdust


    Good afternoon, my reader. If, after repair or creating wooden crafts, you have accumulated a lot of sawdust and chips - this is an opportunity to ask how they can be used. In fact, small wood waste is a very useful and valuable material. Here are just some use options.

    Excessive in the farm does not happen: the use of chips and sawdust 4107_1
    Excessive in the farm does not happen: options for using chips and sawdust Maria Verbilkova

    Fresh sawdust smells of smelling, and dry perfectly absorb and then give odds for a long time. Therefore, you can use them like this:
    • fragrant wood chips (juniper, pine, cedar) pour into the bag of fabric;
    • If the tree itself does not smell like - soak chips with diluted essential oil and also fold into the sachet sachet.

    The fragrant bag can be put in the room or in the cabinet on the shelf with linen.

    Hardwood sawdust is a great substrate for the growth of mushrooms. To do this, it is necessary to mix large chips and a straw (instead of her husks from sunflower seeds) at the rate of 3 to 1, then, 5-7 hours are soaked in hot water at 60 degrees. The substrate is then cooled, removed from the water, give a track of unnecessary - and you can start sowing mushrooms.

    Fresh sawdust is not suitable for fertilizer - they spend nitrogen in the soil and scatter it with lingin. But if you give them to overpass - it will be wonderful feeding.

    Sawdust and chips for this need to lay as a layer in a regular compost bunch. The thickness of the bookmark must be at least 5-10 cm, the usual manure, chicken litter and other organic, is laid on top and bottom. In order for the mixture better to overload, well after the laying of each layer of sawdust shed it with a solution of urea or nitrate.

    If a full compost is preparing for no time, chips can be used for a crossing for mulch. For this:

    Excessive in the farm does not happen: the use of chips and sawdust 4107_2
    Excessive in the farm does not happen: options for using chips and sawdust Maria Verbilkova
    • Ensure the usual cellophane film.
    • Scatter 3 buckets of sawdust on it.
    • In the water bucket, 200 g of carbamide (urea) is dissolved and shed sawders with a solution.
    • From above, the mixture is covered with a second film and put something heavy so that the film does not blow.

    After 14-15 days, Mulch is ready. It can be added under the roots of plants.

    If the sawdust is a lot, they can sleep the track. To do this, there is a trench in the form of a path of the depth near the bayonet shovel, lay out curbs (from fragments of bricks, stones or circular boards), pour with chips and sawdust and sink. This path will not be dirty and slippery, it does not stare water. But since sawdust rot and sneak, once a year you have to plug out a new layer.

    When building organic trenches (they are warm beds), sawdust is used as a substrate. To do this, on the bottom of the future beds, a layer of scaporated boiling water sawdust is poured, covered with a cloth on top and shed a disinfecting solution. On top of the substrate will already be built the girling of plant residues, ash, peat, sand and other components. As a result of irrigation, the organics will be distinguished heat, and the vegetable residues themselves will turn into fertilizer.

    Excessive in the farm does not happen: the use of chips and sawdust 4107_3
    Excessive in the farm does not happen: options for using chips and sawdust Maria Verbilkova

    Sawdust are used for storing vegetables in an unheated room. For this, the drawer is taken, falling asleep with dry sawdust. The sawmills are put in vegetables or fruits, sprinkled with another sawdust layer - and covered with a lid. So you can store even late apples in winter, not risking them to roast.

    Sawdust can be used as a filler to create this building material. He is preparing like this:

    • Small sawdusts are sieved through sieve and mixed with cement and sand in a concrete mixer.
    • A lime (or clay) dough is poured into the mixture.
    • The mixture is stirred with gradual addition of water.

    Before boarding the panato eye should be bled. For this, the tubers are laid down according to the drawers filled with a thick layer of wet sawdust, sprinkle on top of one more and sent to the cool (12-15 degrees) room. As the saw drops, the sawdust is regularly sprayed with water so that the substrate remains wet.

    To grapes, roses or other southern plants in winter do not extorter, they need to be stolen. For this, wooden boxes are put around the cropped roses without the bottom and fill with sawdust, and the shoulders of grapes are associated together, laid on the ground on the sawdust layer, fall asleep on top with a new layer and covered with a snack or straw. From above, so that the layer does not scatter from the wind, you need to cover with nonwoven agromature.

    With sawdust prepares warm plaster:

    • 2 pieces of paper mass (finely chopped newspapers passed through the grinding of old documents from the office, etc.), 1 part of the cement and 3 parts of sawdust are mixed.
    • The mixture is poured with water and is mixed again.

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