Expensive raw materials and salary to employees. Why in Slobodsky big heating bills?


On March 7, in social networks, Slobetanin laid out a photograph of receipt for heating. The pensioner submitted to the pensioner was cosmic - 11,469 rubles. Prikolovsky found out why such a high tariff for heat in Slobodsky.

In the receipt in the count, the performer was indicated by the enterprise MUP "Heat Seloservis", which hears 60% Slobodsky. The company portal reported that the payment for heating is made on the basis of the tariff and individual consumption, which depends on square meters. The number of people living in the apartment for the cost of heat consumed does not affect. The tariff itself is 4,540,74 rubles / Gkal.

- Yes, the tariff is expensive and not at all like in Kirov. The whole difference is that in Kirov there is CHP. Municipal workers are heated at home, heating cold water. We also heat cold water, but also use fuel oil and coal boiler houses, "said Olga Greedun, director of Teploservice.

Expensive raw materials and salary to employees. Why in Slobodsky big heating bills? 4097_1
Expensive raw materials and salary to employees. Why in Slobodsky big heating bills?

She also noted that inside the company, due to the situation with the payment, there was already their own "small investigation". In the "Heat Salervice" they are confident that such large amounts are easily explained by the increased number of days of thermal use, as well as abnormal february cold.

- In January of this year, the average monthly temperature amounted to only -12 degrees, and in February it has already decreased to -19. In comparison with the winter of 2020 temperatures, there is also more noticeable. In January last year, the average temperature was only 5 degrees, and in February only -4, - clarified Olga Greedun. - In this house there is a common heat meter. Previously, the tenants always applied the data of the 20th, and in February of this year, appropriate readings only on the 25th. Because of this, it was noted that the payment was not for the usual 30 days, and for 35.

As explained in the regional service of the Tariffs (PCT) of the Kirov region, the portal Prikirovsky, the heat energy tariffs are established according to the Federal Law "On Heat supply" and the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the pricing in the field of heat supply". So, each enterprise annually before the start of the new heating season plans its expenses and draws an application to the PCT to establish the tariff. The document indicates the planned costs and volumes of the supplied heat, as well as the results for the expired period.

In PC, they said that costs are three species:

  • Planned revenue, as well as expenses that depend on the organization itself: the cost of purchasing materials, salary staff and operated services;

  • the costs of which the company cannot affect, for example, increasing the deductions for social needs or the establishment of state tax on property;

  • Depreciation: costs of energy resources, when the total volume of expenses is divided into planned heat energy.

Expensive raw materials and salary to employees. Why in Slobodsky big heating bills? 4097_2
Expensive raw materials and salary to employees. Why in Slobodsky big heating bills?

The head of the Kirov PCT Maxim Mikhailov believes that the main causes of such a high tariff for heat in Slobodsky district are high costs of financing the enterprise's costs: MUPA has a large number of boilers and they use expensive raw materials.

- People who provide their functioning work in the boilers. Reduce financing of the enterprise - it means to leave part of the personnel without a decent salary. It is also not a way to spend less on purchases, since the prices for raw materials are formed from the outside, on the market itself, the company simply will simply be able to buy as many materials as needed. Everyone knows that coal and fuel oil are much more expensive than gas, for example. From these expenses there is a 50% tariff, which is why the tariff and high, "said Maxim Mikhailov. - Prostor to reduce the tariff from PCT. I believe that it is necessary to solve a problem with a high rate at a higher level. And this is within the competence of the profile ministry of energy and housing and public utilities.

In the PCT, two "mechanical" solutions to the problem see: to eliminate or combine boiler rooms, which are involved in the smallest, and to heat the area.

Photo: Pixabay.com.

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