Digital Insurance Medicine Products


According to the forecasts "Expert RA" in 2021, the insurance market will grow another seven or nine percent to 1.65 trillion rubles. Insurance medicine is in a significant share in it, and life insurance remains in terms of growth (up to 25%). In this regard, the leading insurance companies in Russia continue to improve their medical insurance products, facilitate access to their design, provide additional service to their customers.

Medical policy can be bought online

So, for example, the company's re-warranty is working on the possibility of acquiring its products online. On the official website of the company, customers can buy three insurance products. One of them is the "telemedicine reso" policy.

The buyer can purchase a policy for 1.8 thousand rubles, and the insurance amount for a period of 1 year will amount to 1 million rubles. At the same time, there are no restrictions on the policy holders in the number of telemedicine consultation obtained by the client. There are also no restrictions on consultation. Remote Tips Doctors The Insured person can get on any diagnosis, including COVID-19 and diseases, usually not covered by the DMS.

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The owner of the policy can book telemedicine services of therapist, pediatrician, psychologist and narrow specialists more than 20 profiles.

In addition to this Holder of the Polis, the Second Medical Opinion service is provided. It involves the conclusion of an authoritative Russian or foreign doctor on the existing diagnosis, if the patient is not satisfied with 100% accuracy of the diagnosis of its attending physician.

The owners of the telemedicine reso policy can take advantage of a 10 percent discount on most full-time medical procedures in the Medsiwss network clinics in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

According to the statistics that the insurance company leads, in 2020 patients most often appealed to therapists - 15 thousand telemedicine consultations were held. 4576 requests came to the services of psychologists, 3212 to help pediatricians.

Employees of their own psychological assistance services company provide assistance to customers with a resolution warranty. Psychological advice is held by experts with adult patients, teenagers and children.

Qualifications of doctors providing telemedicine counseling in the framework of the project "Telemedicine Reso", very high. Attracted specialists are the staff of the Medswiss Medical Clinic Network. This network, according to Forbes magazine, is among the top ten of the best private clinics for three years in a row.

New digital platform from sharp

Another largest Insurance Company of Russia Rosgosstrakh launched a new digital platform "My_Servis. MED". With this decision, medical services will be provided to both clients of the company and uninsured residents of Russia. The service will help find the necessary Dr. to each user who appeal.

Galina Talanova, head of the medical insurance block of PJSC Rosgosstrakh PJSC, noted that the company became one of the three Russian leaders in voluntary health insurance services. Many enterprises work with the Polisters of DMS "Rosgosstrakh". The company one of the first in the country proposed oncological insurance, telemedicine services.

For its many years of work, insurers have established continuous cooperation with the medical community of the country and leading healthcare facilities. During this time, a large array of feedback from the insured clients of the company was obtained. It made it possible to improve the proposed insurance products based on the needs of customers and the real possibilities of Russian medicine. The new telemedicine platform "Rosgosstrakh" will expand the number of medical services customers and the number of their performers.

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First of all, access to the platform will be provided to the owners of "boxed" insurance products "Health more expensive 2.0" and "Dr. online" with the option "RGS Rehabilitation COVID-19". These products can be purchased from agents or in the offices of Rosgosstrakh. In 2021, other medical programs will be connected to the service, including corporate.

But a person who does not have the policy of Rosgosstrakh can be connected to the digital platform. A medical consultant will contact him and find out what kind of assistance is required. Then tell that a person needs to be done to which clinics and to how experts to contact. Med consultant can record a patient for research and tests. The client can tell his opinion on consultation with the operators immediately.

The platform is selected for its catalog the best clinics and specialists in the special methodology of the Supreme Expert Medical Council (WMES). It includes the leading experts of the country in the medical and scientific field. They give their recommendations and evaluations. Another source of evaluation are patients and reports of "secret buyers".

Svetlana Take, the head of the Department of Business Development PJSC Rosgosstrakh, emphasizes that the purpose of the rating is the most accurate satisfaction of the needs of each patient. A person should not be sinking in the list of clinics, specialists, various ratings. The service will prompt the user with all the possibilities of treatment and the necessary steps throughout the service life. A convenient service service is the Health Map section. Here, the patient can store its medical documentation in electronic form, the results of inspections of doctors, research, analyzes appointed by doctors of the treatment methodology, procedures. It is important that this database may open access to the doctor to which he turned. This will ensure the continuity of treatment. Experts will have all the necessary information about the history of the disease and the treatment of the patient who appeal to them. This will allow to conduct more accurate diagnosis and choose optimal treatment methods.

PJSC SK "Rosgosstrakh" has a 9-year history of work. Today, the company is part of the Opening Bank Bank. On the territory of Russia there are 1639 representative offices of Rosgosstrakh.

Psychological online support for the PMC policy

Russians were not distinguished by an active visit to psychologists or psychotherapist. But the continuing pandemic of coronavirus infection has changed dramatically this trend. Coronavirus increased the need for Russians to help psychologists.

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As the insurance company "Consent" notes, specializing in telemedicine services, with the arrival of the second wave of COVID-19 in the fall of this year, Russia's residents began to seek psychological help more often. The number of appeals for telemedicine consultations to psychologists in the fall has increased dramatically.

The company reminds its customers that psychological online support for voluntary health insurance (DMS) is available to them.

The partner of the company on telemedicine in the spring of the current year provided about 100 distant consultations of the psychologist, in the summer - more than 200 consultations. And from the beginning of September, the specialists of the psychological support service are carried out at 150 online receptions of patients every month.

Olesya Sabanova, director of underwriting personal types of insurance "Consent", the increased need of patients in psychological assistance is explained by stress caused by the threats of coronavirus infection. The psychologist will help strengthen emotional immunity and advises the patient anywhere in the world, in the format of video, audio, by telephone. Telemedicine service is included in all corporate DMS programs.

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