As an armor-ware in one battle, 7 German tanks

As an armor-ware in one battle, 7 German tanks 4084_1

On August 9, 1943, the armor-heater Senior Sergeant Lysenko entered martial arts with fifteen German tanks and came out of it the winner.

In the first half of August 1943, the 27th Army of the Voronezh Front successfully occurred at the Akhtyra direction. The enemy and then turned into a counterattack, using pre-prepared frontiers in the depths of defense.

The 600th Rifle Regiment of Lieutenant Colonel Sokolova came out on the Rubel Kirikovka - the old Ryabina, where he met the strong resistance of the parts of the Lieutenant Greaterian Greaterian division of Walter Hörnlay. Three days did not stop fierce battles.

Attacks of the enemy followed one after another. The Germans at any cost tried to return the Kirinkovka, in which there were many all kinds of equipment, warehouses of ammunition, even tanks on railway platforms and a large camp of Russian prisoners of war. The Germans briefed the tanks to the place of battles by rail, filmed them from the platforms and immediately threw into battle against our infantry.

Here in these battles for Kirinkovka and the fighter of the tanks assistant commander of the platoon of anti-tank guns of the 2nd Rifle Battalion Senior Sergeant Ivan Lysenko became famous. Being armed with a anti-tank gun (PTR) and grenades, he accepted a fight with fifteen German tanks.

Knowing the well of their vulnerable places, Lysenko from the first shots fell two cars. In the third tank had to beat from close range. The tank was broken from the inside, but the explosive explosive was contused, and the PTR was damaged by a fragment.

When a brave fighter woke up, he saw that another tank was already crawling towards him, which is about to give it. The only salvation was to climb the car impending on it. So Lysenko and did. The tank is covered in place, wanting to reset the unborn saddle, and then rushed back.

When the tank surpassed through the trench, in which the armorboratory was recently sitting, Lysenko saw the murdered soldier with a clumsy in his hand and the PTRS. In the same moment, Lysenko jumped into the bottom of the trench, grabbed his find and fired several times in the German.

Fire flames broke out from the tank and threw a thick smoke. Moved on the trench, Ivan Lysenko often changed positions, it makes it possible to conduct aiming fire on it. The shots from PTRS Lysenko hit three more enemy tanks, but he himself was injured in her hand. But the enemy was forced to retreat

Ivan Lysenko's martial arts with German tanks allowed the battalion to keep the occupied part of the village of Kirikovka and ensured the successful crossing of the regiment's units across the Vorskla River.

Lysenko Ivan Timofeevich post-war photo

In 1944, the senior sergeant Lysenko Ivan Timofeevich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the "Golden Star" medal. After the war, the brave armored armor demobilized from the rows of the Red Army, and until the end of life lived and worked in the village of Shcherbinovsky Krasnodar Territory.

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