Why we were offended by moms, and when they grew up, they became grateful


In childhood and adolescence, we were often angry and offended by moms. And when they grew, they realized that moms wanted us only the best, and were right when they taught us life. Our heroines once thought that their mothers would tell terrible and incomprehensible things. And only when they became adults themselves, realized that moms were given

not in vain.

Why we were offended by moms, and when they grew up, they became grateful 4060_1

Because of my mom, I lost love

I was 15 years old, I looked quite ordinary, and he was a handsome man and a pet of all girls at school. Of course, my first love reputation was bad, but teenage girls love bad boys. When Vitya invited me to meet, I was on the seventh heaven from happiness. The evenings lay in bed, not a shiny eyes, and did not understand how such an incredible boy drew attention to me. At that time, I wore glasses, my hair was blocked into two braids, it was just that was just not interested in high school students. And for some reason, Vitya laid eyes on me.

Mom my young man immediately did not like. No, she did not lock me at home so that I could not go for a walk with Vites. But it was constantly dissatisfied, tried to talk to me, explained that he had to have this high school student from me. Of course, I did not listen to my mother and was absorbed by my feelings.

Why we were offended by moms, and when they grew up, they became grateful 4060_2

At the end of December, Vitya invited me to celebrate the New Year together. They had a big company at the cottage of one of Vitan friends. Favorite hinted several times that every couple there will be a separate room, and I can prove his feelings. I was ready for everything. But Mom, when heard that I would go to the cottage from Vites, categorically banned it. For several days I cried, persuaded, promised to learn to "excellent", always help her around the house.

All the efforts were useless, and Mom was adamant. "If you want to meet, I will not forbid you. But I am not allowed to go somewhere with high school students for all night, "Mom said, and I realized that it would not work out.

Why we were offended by moms, and when they grew up, they became grateful 4060_3

For more than a year I taled my mistress on my mother. Our relationship spoiled, we almost did not speak, although my mother took attempts to reconcile many times. By the way, when I told Vita that I was not going to the country, he broke the relationship with me. Of course, I accused my mother. It seemed to me that my world was collapsed. And then I learned that Vitya met with me in parallel with me with two girls. One of them got pregnant from Viti, and he threw it too.

Now I am grateful to Mamuchka, that she saved me from a rampant act. It is not known what happened to me now. I know that my first love managed to sit in prison for theft. My daughter is 4 years old, but I already imagine how you have to experience the first love and first disappointment with it.

All the school must be laughed

I always had bad eyesight, and I wore glasses. Everyone knows that children are very cruel in their mockery. Odnoklassniki mocked me, when I put on my big glasses (in those days, there were still not stylish glasses in a thin rim). And I also wore braces, because the teeth grew wrong.

I categorically refused to put braces, but the parents gave a lot of money so that I was still set them. Odnoklassniki called me a "terrible" and "iron mouth". I still do not like to revise school photos. I don't smile at them and pry, because I always shot glasses. I hated my parents for my heredity: they also have bad eyesight, and teeth grow in different direction.

Why we were offended by moms, and when they grew up, they became grateful 4060_4

Already at the university, when I was removed braces, I realized that I should be grateful to my mother with dad. Then I bought myself lenses, but a little later made a vision correction. I had a lot of fans, I successfully married, gave birth to two children. When I come to my parents, I always tell them "Thank you" for the fact that they have withstanding my hysteries and helped to correct the flaws of appearance.

See also: When Mom believes that it is always right, or how toxic parental attitude affects children

Parents banned sweets

Mom and dad adhered to the right nutrition, so we have never had candy, cakes, ice cream at home. I remember my birthday when I was five years old. On the holiday table was fruit cutting and the "right" cake without sugar. Already at school I was treated with candy, and I understood what pleasures I was deprived of my parents. I could eat a lot of chocolate secretly from my mother, and often a rash appeared on his face and the body.

And then, in high school, I met Wansell. And he told me that since childhood suffers with his teeth. He was allowed sweets from an early age. Maybe, of course, this is a coincidence, but I have never had problems with your teeth and overweight. Mom, by the way, told later why he performed categorically against sweets. When she was small, her grandmother constantly gave her big bags with candy. In 25 years, Mom had to put the "bridge", because several teeth save and failed.

Why we were offended by moms, and when they grew up, they became grateful 4060_5

I do not prohibit your 6-year-old son, but he does not want himself. For him, delicious vegetable salad (yes, it happens!) Or a sandwich with a red fish.

Read also: What if the child says: "Mom, I do not like you"

Mom I do not need, but you need someone else's uncle

I do not know my biological father. He threw us with her mother when I was not born. It is necessary to pay tribute to mom, because she tried her very much so that I did not need anything. Mom worked a lot, but at the same time always found the time for our joint walks or classes. When I turned 13 years old, a man appeared in her life.

Naturally, I immediately disliked him, although my mother's fan was very normal: earned well, took care of us, was read and brought up. He tried to find a common language with me, but I defiantly ignored his presence. When Uncle Volodya came, I slapped the door loudly, without even saying hello.

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Mom spent a lot of strength and nerves, trying to achieve my location. And then somehow in the evening, when we drank tea together, said: "I am a young woman, and worthy to be happy. Women should not focus on motherhood, and someday you will understand it. " I came across and even choked in tea, and my mother supplemented his speech: "I will not give up Volodya for the sake of your whim. We love each other. I love you too. Think how bad will we all if you continue to behave. "

In our life, Uncle Volodya firmly settled. He took us to his house, surrounded with warmth and care. At first I continued to show my discontent on Inertia, but I would soon realize that my stepfather is a wonderful person. He gave me so much warmth and love that I was so lacked, because each child needs a father. Uncle Volodya introduced an excellent family tradition: in the evenings we read stunning books out loud. I tend to remember our holidays at a large table, with guests, songs, contests, laughter and fun.

Why we were offended by moms, and when they grew up, they became grateful 4060_7

Now I am Mom's twins myself, and Uncle Vova (I call him a long time ago) - the best grandfather in the world. I am very grateful to him for everything he did for me. And I am grateful to my mother for taught me a simple, but such an important thing: you can not forget about yourself and completely dissolve in children.

Think of your health

I grew up a chubby child, and at school I was teased with "fat". At the age of 14, I first sat on a diet. I wanted to be like my girlfriend, such a ringing and thin, to which the queues from fans were built. Before the graduation ball, I never ceased to eat. Mom tried to feed me, prepared her beloved dishes, said that such a way of life would negatively affect my health. But will you listen to mom when we weighing not 45 kg, how do you want, and twice as much?

At the university, I seriously took up my figure. Calorie considered, did not allow himself anything forbidden, all the evening spent in the gym. Mom sighed when I came to her. By that time I weighed 40 kg, but it did not stop me. And when I got into the hospital with exhaustion, mommy came to me every day and wept all the time.

Then there were many years of recovery. I learned to eat right, revised my life and understood, finally, that Mom was right. Due to the shortage of body mass for a long time, it did not get pregnant, then there were serious health problems. Moms are no longer, but every time I remember that she said: "Dasha, you need to take care of myself. Appearance is not the most important thing. Think of your health. " I would now give a lot to sit with Mamuly for a cup of tea and with pleasure to eat her patties who knew how to cook only she.

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