8 signs for which it is easy to determine what your cat is the happiest creation on Earth


As a rule, when our cats are unhappy with something, they are not shyring it to demonstrate. And they hurt, and smoke, and they can hit the paw, if the situation does not like it at all. But how to identify happy and everyone's satisfied cat? After all, the joy and happiness, these fluffy are not expressed so openly, like, for example, dogs. And some of us, from time to time, are wondering how to understand for sure, whether the cat is really good.

Today we are in adme.ru finally, by which signals can be determined that our cats are one of the happiest creatures in the world. We hope the article will be useful for you and your pets.

Talk to you

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It has long been known that for communication with each other, the cat is practically not meowing. But in order to talk to his person, - as long as. The higher the meowakania tone, the better the cat's mood. But the low deaf sound signals, on the contrary, that something is wrong. But then the most purr does not always mean the cat is pleased: it may be a sign of discomfort, and thus the animal soothes.

Love dynamic games

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Another indicator that an animal is fine, - activity and playfulness, because it means that the cat feels good enough to run and jump, is not concerned about the search for food or water, it is warm and calm her. Of course, the older cats may not show such activity as kittens, and to sleep more often, but the same spark in their eyes will speak for itself.

Resting in a specific pose

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A cat, who is satisfied with life, most often resting, pursing the front legs. And if the animal satisfiedly pucched at such moments and closes his eyes for a long time, then be sure that he is comfortable next to you, and the feeling of security prevails over all the others.

Laptop legs

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There are several theories explaining these feline motions. They can stay in their memory since the times, when there are still not domesticated cats finished grass with grass, arranging the nest for the night. Also similar movement of the kittens massage the belly of mother-cats, mining milk. Be that as it may, if your cat is lazzed to you or any other surface, you can most likely argue that he is happy at that moment.

Sleep on the back

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The right sign that your cat is pleased and feels safe - if she can afford to sleep on his back, heaving his fluffy belly to the world. This is the most vulnerable area on the body of the cat, and sleep in a similar pose is a bright demonstration of the extreme degree of calm and comfort in your presence and in the apartment as a whole.

Tail looks like a question mark

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By how the feline tail looks like, you can understand quite a lot of things: aggression and fear (tail omitted and fluffy), anger (nervous toasting), curiosity and, of course, joy. Happy cats staying in a good mood, often keep the tail curved, like a question mark. This signals that they are satisfied and are located to communicate with you.

No problem with tray

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Cats that do not have any physical or psychological problems tend to use the destination tray and do not leave "surprises" in unexpected places of the apartment. And some cats have a habit of sharply jump out from the tray after the completion of all cases. It is also absolutely normal - such behavior may be a sign of excellent mood, playfulness or contentment.

Curved spin

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The curved back of your favorite can be a sure sign that the animal is very pretty. The main thing is that the wool on the back stood on the end, as it happens when the cat is scared and she tries to seem more than it really is, and shows aggression in response. But if you notice that the cat wounds back, and the wool is pressed against the skin, then it's time to make it even happier and scratching the ear.

And how do your pets show the extreme degree of contentment of life?

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