Top 6 main errors when choosing accessories


All over the shelves

Before getting another new-fashioned thing, stylists recommend to conduct a revision in the boxes and think about something or another decoration could be combined with some kind of outfit. Then you do not have to spend money wasted, acquiring exactly the same necklace that you already have (perhaps in another color, but still very similar).

"I want the same as she"

Stylists recommend not going on advertising tricks and not buy decorations that look at others well. For example, ordering anything via the Internet, you can surprise you to find that in reality this kit does not look so stunning, as on a beauty from an advertising poster. And all because some things are ideal for one and absolutely do not paint others (for example, Choker will perfectly emphasize the swan neck, but the owner of a short neck visually shortened her even more). Therefore, choose only that you go, try on before buying and ask friends to evaluate you from the side.

Choose decoration with mind

Designers remind you that it is necessary to choose what your appearance will emphasize, and not vice versa. So, for example, girls with a round face it is better to choose long thin earrings, "chains", "Visulki", "droplets" and so on. But in no case do not acquire round versions that they do not go completely. The owners of the "triangular" face is better to give preference to massive earrings, necklaces and pendants. For whom Nature awarded the "diamond" face, the cloves and "Visulki", neat necklace and suspension of medium length are perfect.

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels
Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels Relevance and Cost

Stylists recommend not going on too cheap products, because there is nothing more depressing than a cheap bijouterie, which is seen from afar. They do not paint their owner at all, but, on the contrary, they talk about the absence of taste and respect for themselves. It is better to accumulate money and acquire something really elegant and stylish. Another important factor is relevance. For example, you should not choose evening options for collaps with stones and other design elements for a hike to office or shop. At a minimum, it will look ridiculous. Therefore, try to choose an outfit and decorations in accordance with the case and clearly distribute evening and daytime options.

All the best immediately

Another error that many ladies perform are a few massive decorations in the same image. Stylists do not recommend combining massive earrings with complex elements with "heavy" necklace or checkers. It will take away the whole image, making it tasteless, and visually shorten the neck. In addition, it is not necessary to overload the image of the glitter and if you decided to walk the dress with sequins or outfit with the Lurex and rhinestones, then refuse bulk decorations and especially "sweaturated" stones. Otherwise, you will be reminded by the Christmas fir, but not an elegant lady with taste.

Combine incompatible

Despite the fact that modern fashion is not as strict, as before and allows women to express themselves, mixing what they do not need to violate the basic rule and try to combine what is not combined with each other. For example, you should not try to "make friends" diamonds with cheap jewelry, rubies and grenades with stones of another shade and several massive decorations at the same time.

Photo: Thegiansepillo / Pexels

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