Named films of the 90s, which still look amazing


Over the past 20 years, visual effects in the cinema have become truly awesome. To understand this, it is enough to remember the very first film about Harry Potter: the philosophical stone came out in 2001 and there were really weak 3D effects. Remember the appearance of Voldemort? And now let's turn to the final film "Hallows of Death": Visual there is a shame there, and even today does not cause complaints.

That is, even at the beginning of the 21st century, many major projects could be disgraced due to weak visual effects. And at the same time there are a number of films that have published much earlier than the same "philosophical stone" - and they look at the order more. Even today you can watch without embarrassment.

Among them to "remember everything." Yes, the "future" there is clearly developed on another vector other than our. And in ideological terms, the film can be outdated. But the picture is awesome. After all, the scenery was built manually, and the creation used a lot of tricks.

Named films of the 90s, which still look amazing 4055_1

"The fifth Element". Luc Besson did not bet on computer graphics. Of course, in the film it is present. But the main chip of the ribbon is a stunning style used in scenery and costumes. The effect of a bizarre future is achieved by simple tools - and it will still work.

Named films of the 90s, which still look amazing 4055_2

"Jurassic Park". Stephen Spielberg already in those days knew that CGI was the future of cinema. However, he did not mind thunden to draw thirty dinosaurs. I went to another way: General Plan - Graphics. Large, where we see legs, tail or reptile muzzle - real layouts. It can also argue that the very first Park looks better than the last parts (those with Chris Pratt). And all because now the process of creating blockbuster simplifies as much as possible - who wants to drive with dolls?

Named films of the 90s, which still look amazing 4055_3

"The matrix". And here was really a breakthrough! The matrix has changed the rules of the game and set the fashion on visual pieces many years after the exit - especially the fashion for green color filters ? and now the film looks stylish.

Named films of the 90s, which still look amazing 4055_4

"Terminator-2". If you see the 4k version of the film, then nothing will give it an old man in it: the "Judgment Day" and today is a very fresh picture with convincing effects.

And what films of the 90s, what do you look and today you will know you? Share in the comments.

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