Ustim Karmaluk - a folk hero or just a gangster

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Ustim Karmaluk - folk hero or just a gangster Eric

Very often from all sorts of robber, robbers and criminal personalities People's Solva, and then the inquired historians make folk heroes, avengers, fighters for freedom of disadvantaged. These leaders of the folk rebel movement, without fear and reproach. If you figure it out, who was the legendary Robin Hood? The usual robber hiding in the Shervurd forest and the ripped passing travelers. Who was Hasbulat delete who had poor sakl? Make from the bandit and robber, the rebel struggling with the rich world of this, for the happiness of the labor nation is not difficult. Rail and killed them, then rich, with the poor, what to take. It is enough to bring the appropriate ideological base to this, and it will turn out of the gangster, the Folk Avenger.

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Ustim Karmaluk - folk hero or just a gangster Eric

The most striking example of the Ustim Karmaluk who lived and acting in the first half of the XIX on Podolia. In Soviet historiography, he was filed as the leader of the peasant rebel movement in Ukraine. Maxim Gorky so called him - "Ukrainian Robin Hood". In modern uncomfortable, Karmaluk in general, the folk hero, the defender of the poor and disadvantaged. Poets and writers contribute their contribution. From the works of Ukrainian romantic literature, an image of an incredible knightly courage and nobility appeared. His name was named two villages and the streets of almost all cities of Ukraine. Karmaluk put monuments, install memorial boards, open museums.

But was Ustim Karmaluk a noble knight without fear and reproach, the leader of the people's movement, defender of disadvantaged and offended?

Ustim Yakimovich Karmaluk (Carmelulek or Karmayuk), was born on February 27 (March 10) of 1787 in the village of Golovchanitsy, Andrei-Joseph Piglovsky owned by the landowner. Then this area belonged to Poland, but six years later, after the second section of the Commonwealth, the Podolie became part of the Russian Empire. But the local peasants were new to the drum - both were serfs from the Polish gentry, and remained.

Ustim was a strong and healthy boys. No wonder that he was taken to the court of a landowner for the service. But an argument, the guy was becoming more courageous, unprofitable. They suspected that he was also "unclean in hand" - Barkaya Silver was gone and several wax pounds. Usually from such horses are trying to get rid of. It was impossible to execute it according to the law, and there is an obligation - a healthy and strong man-serf costed on today's standards with a dear jeep. Therefore, these were usually sent to the army. And the military service was performed and from confusion got rid of. And although there was a law that married and having children of men (Karmaluk was married by that time and had two children) could not be taken into the army - when strong and influential performed laws. Always found loophole to get around them. Did not help the focus with two knocked outstanding wounds, which Karmaluk knocked out and inflicted himself. The decree of the emperor, according to which recruits with Podily, was not taken - there, in 1812, the epidemic of plagues was raging. Pan Piglovsky managed to bypass this order, and get rid of the stopping hat.

25 years in soldiers. 25 years of army Musters. Ustim could not be frenched. Fortunately in the squadron, he met with a sidetant, who had previously lived in a nearby village, - Daniel Khron, who was also not a model of humility and humility. Relatives quickly found a common language ... When the 4th Ulansky Regiment stood in Kamenetz-Podolsky, Karmaluk and Cron deserted from the army, after which they hid for some time in their native forests. Until now, Karmalyukova Cave was preserved in the rope's tract, at that time he served the fugitive home. Soon, two more deserters joined them - Nikita Udodov (Udodynuk) and Ivan Tkachuk.

I had to eat four healthy men, and they dragged out of peasant barn salas, butter, flour, eggs. It was necessary to ensure that at least the most necessary, I wanted to drink yes to walk - and small thefts turned into robbery attacks and open robbery. Initially, the victims became peasants and minor tenants of the Jews. But at the end of March 1813, Vataga, smeared by Sazhi, complained to the farm to the wealthy peasant Ivan Salo: He, as informants reported, should be good money. They did not find money, but the owner was tortured so that a few days later he gave God to God.

After the murder, for several months they hid, but then ospells and attacked the estate of Pan of Piglovsky - the distillery breeding was buried, and the Pan himself was prompted. So Karmaluk avenged his Barina. In the cave, there were fluent peasants, deserters and other dashing people, soon Vataga Karmaluk rose to several tens of people, plus a couple of hundreds of informants and sympathetic from local peasants. The real hunt began on the robbers-deserters, and soon they were caught and appeared before the Military Court. Ustim and Danil was waiting for a terrible punishment - 500 strokes. Low managed to transfer such an execution. But Karmelyuk and Cron survived. Then the rebels decided to send to the Crimean Penal Battalion.

On the way, they managed to escape, and returned to their native places. And again everything is old: "He stole, drank, in prison, stole drank ...". It is impossible to describe all his "feats" in a small article. Seven times (!!!) Karmaluk caught. They beat the battles, they burned the stigma on his forehead three times, they sentenced death a couple of times, several times under the convoy were sent to Catherega to Siberia. Successful shoots from the Ostrov, even more unsuccessful escape attempts. I will give only one case of escape, which became legendary: in the fall of 1825, during the night storm, Karmaluk broke the grille, gathered the shirts of all the models and tied them into a long rope. By the end of the rope tied a stone and threw it through a prison frequency. With the help of this suspension bridge, all the convicts fled to the inlet for each other, the camera was empty by the morning.

And all the time Karmaluk returned to native places. When it was fled from the Tobolian coward prison, 15 thousand versts passed over the year and returned to Podolia. She was engaged in theft of horses and cattle, as well as a kind of racket - he was paid to not attack. To say that he fought only with the bars yes, the gentry is also impossible. So for the period 1826-28, 74 crimes were recorded for a gang of Karmaluk. In the 31th, they were directed against the peasants (1 murder, 6 robbery attacks, 24 thefts), at 17 - against the bureaucrats of merchants (1 murder, 3 theft, 13 robes), at 22 - against shuttless (1 murder, 5 robbery attacks , 16 thefts), in four - against the clergy of various denominations (theft). About fifty people took direct participation (in some attacks there were up to a ten participants with firearms). And in just 23 years of activity, Karmaluk was revealed more than a thousand attacks. Moreover, from the recorded performances against the existing order was only one. In June 1827, because of the treason of the gentle of Anthony Olshevsky, Karmaluk and his accomplices of Vasily Dobrovolsky and Ilko Skintchuk were captured by the landlord Felix Yangchevsky in the village of Kalna-darazhna. Local peasants who knitted karmaluk shouted in despair: "Why are you (that is, the Panov) do not knit them for being oppressed?" This is the only documented statement that can be perceived as a call to deal with the landowners.

But the riches of Karmaluk did not profit - the family was a lot, he himself often worked as a shoe craft. Some romantic historians and writers on this basis are concluded - they say, all the worn out of the rich, Aki Robin Hood, distributed to the poor. But in reality, everything is much simpler - robbers, pirates, robbers and other databases in life are rarely rich. Most of the looted went on bribes, the fee for the shelter, for the information, for silence, for Harci, for various services. Yes light money, easily and go. Today there is a fashionable - a bush, rampant, mooring money, tomorrow the paw is sucking. Especially even successful seals brought some income.

It is hardly the largest "catch" - a chest with money randomly robbed with the Retail on the Korchm of Lieutenant Colonel in the resignation of Dembitsky, in which there were 400 Chervonians, 200 rubles with silver and 175 rubles by appliances. And then, this kush, someone pulled (morals at the "Rebel Karmaluk" were purely criminal) - Even the threat of Ataman's "fingers of the glass" did not help to find a loss.

And so basically horses, clothes, domestic beam. For six months of 1826, in the vicinity of the bar, where 2,000 oxles and 400 horses were stolen, not counting homelings and clothes. All this is cheaply came true to the corkscram dealers, especially the Vasily Dobrovolsky, whose wife was the mistress of Karmaluk. The foxes of the fur coat at the robbers he took 4 zlotys, the horse - 2 rubles. And for the oxygen gave 10 zł.

There were of course there were cases when the robber in Kurage gave the people - that he searched the poor fortress and finding her only a half kopeck, he not only returned to her, but he gave a few rubles; That, having robbed and seeing the fever with a newborn, left all the troubled and put a few gold worms on the bed - a baby to christening ... But, in general, the rare cases of the gangster, Narodnaya Solva exaggerated at ten, and even a hundred times .

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Ustim Karmaluk - folk hero or just a gangster Eric

At the beginning of the 1930s of the XIX century, a runaway convict Ustim Karmaluk was the most authoritative figure in the criminal world Podialia, and maybe all of Ukraine, and maybe the entire Russian Empire. A kind of "Pachan", "Thief in Law". In conclusion and at the Katorga, he enjoyed an indisputable authority from the zekov. Even jailers were afraid of him and gave relative freedom and surning. So the riot in a Litinskaya prison in December 1827, which writers are described as a performance against inhuman conclusion, was actually caused by the fact that the prison authorities refused Karmaluk in a date with the same liberty of Maria (or Magdalena) Dobrovolskaya. Then he just broke the door and went to his mistress. And when she was transferred to Gaupvataht, began to incite the prisoners to the rebellion. Without having received support, they took away their daily bread soldering and barricaded with two accomplices, fighting off the guards with bricks. Only on the fourth day, the rebellors were completed: Vasily Dobrovolsky (Mary's husband) and Sotnikuk were married to the shackles, and Karmaluk, contrary to the official ban, chained "on the chain to the chamber."

He was hated, afraid and at the same time admired and envied. All the same Stall People's Solve embellished the "exploits" of the robber. In the 1920s, the historian Sergey Yakimovich, exploring his personality, was struck by almost hatred of this "Warmer-Robber" in the village, where he actually spent the last years of life and died. In the memory of the Korychi peasants, the fear of their mothers who were afraid of collecting mushrooms in the forest were left, - according to legends, Karmaluk "" very forced and raped women.

He was cruel and very strong. Low growth "2 ARSHINA and 6 vershkov", that is, 171 centimeters), but broadly and the centerast. It is evidenced by a deep trail from the ax, which he drove into the wall when shooting from a Litinsk prison. Two hundred years passed, and the track remained! I was distinguished by an outstanding mind, cunning and endurance. In addition to the native Mow, freely owned by the Polish and "Moscow" languages ​​- more than once issued himself for a runaway Russian soldier. Contemporaries emphasized Karmaluk's well-groomed, habit to shave and dress like a gentry. Apparently, possessed hypnotic abilities - many were sure that he was a sorcerer and magician.

23 years luck did not leave Karmaluk. 23 years he guaranted the fear of Ukraine. And on October 10, 1835, Fortuna turned away from him. Shutchiki caught some copper. That "passed" his comrade Prokop Pratskova and his wife and part-time Film Karmaluk. The proof at the interrogation was deposited, but intangible Elena told the local authorities about the expected arrival of Ustim. And he, although he was warned about the surveillance, after all, came to a meeting with the local heater to clarify the plan of attack on the landlord of Vyransky. Having learned about this, Vyransky hurried for help to his neighbor, Pana Hlopitsky. That house was not, but his daughter had a groom, 18-year-old Rutovsky's gentry. Seeing the despair of Vyransky, the young young lady began to complain: they say, not the already the gentry, as before, and incitement of the groom decided to make an ambush on the "chlop and thief". As soon as Karmaluk entered the hut, Rutkovsky shot him from the gun. Moreover, according to legend, the gun was not charged with a bullet, but a silver button - only so it was possible to kill the sorcerer. Prokop Pratskov was exiled to Siberia, his wife was pardoned, and the Karvesta Rutovsky was awarded a personal meeting with Nikolai I. He was granted to a diamond perrsta and received life exemption from taxes.

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Ustim Karmaluk - folk hero or just a gangster Eric

The body of Karmaluk was taken over the villages for several days, and then ran into Letichev - in the ravine, behind the cemetery, without a cross, as all criminals were buried. And, as often happens, the real glory came to the carmaluk after death. First - in folk legends, bass, songs and jokes. The fate of Karmaluk could not but inspire writers and poets. Of the first works of Ukrainian romantic literature of the middle of the century, the image of an incredible knightly courage and nobility arose. So it became a deserter and a robber, a knight without fear and reproach, the folk avenger and hero. And his gang - the rebel army struggling for freedom and justice.

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