After long-term use in Airpods Max condensate appears


Hello, dear readers of the website First happy users

They received them for two weeks ago and they are tested by them. As expected, both pros and pleasant moments in use and obvious minuses and inconvenience are revealed. Mostly the exchange of views and experience goes on the Reddit forum.

One of the users (Danald Filimon) complained that after a long-term use of Airpods Max in headphones, small droplets of condensate are formed. Donald complained that he used headphones in a non-wet environment at the table and does not understand where to take drops from.

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Another user of the headphones from the US Florida found exactly the same situation when after 2.5 hours of listening to music on Airpods Max when she took out the incubuser discovered inside a drop of condensate, since they were located throughout the metal surface of the interior decoration. The formation of condensate also noticed many other users.

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After you have discovered this feature of Airpods Max, users sucked wet places, they did not notice any changes in the sound or control, the headphones sounded well.

But, of course, the presence of moisture next to the speakers will negatively affect them over time and it is impossible to allow moisture to remain there. Therefore, other users owners AIRPODS MAX advise, after each listening to music, wipe them dry and not to leave moisture inside, as the headphones are not moisture-resistant and it can harm them.

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As for the question from where this condensation appeared, some users suggested that the ambient temperature either dropped over time while listening to headphones, or before their use headphones were in a colder place and condensate came out after their long-term use.

This can also happen if, while listening to music, you will perform exercise or run, it will lead to the formation of condensate on the metal surface of the headphones.

Also, users complain that such a price of 65,000 for headphones is expensive and brazen even for Apple. But the Russian company surprised the whole world even more released for the Russian Elite Headphones Airpods Max from pure gold for 7 million rubles, as well as other insanely expensive gadgets.

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