"North wind" looks like his author Renat Litvinov - strange, but fascinatingly beautiful


What only epithets were not awarded Renat Litvinov from the moment of its first appearance in the world of Russian art.

Most often, it is called a diva, since the goddess she assigned to the name of his first gaming film, which happened almost 17 years ago. "North Wind" - just the third film as a director, but it does not believe in it - Litvinova has undoubtedly the author, a living classic, and nothing to prove anything to anyone. The new film even goes on Saturday on February 6 instead of the last Thursday, as if insisting that he was not enough to highlight the usual evening of a difficult day - it is better to allocate whole free day.

There is a reason for this. The premiere of "Northern Wind" was first planned for December, this picture was supposed to become a real winter fairy tale - no wonder and the action here unfolds in the magic space, where winter never ends. Another thing is that Litvinovsky fairy tales always consist of solid hints, and lessons do not intend. To understand what is happening to the end, it is better not even attempting, the retelling will look like a mockery. Judge for yourself: on the northern fields a long time reigns and does not end the matriarchy. In the mansion, in the middle of the fields is the mansion in which Margarita (Litvinova) live with Son Benedict (Anton Shagin), Lotta (Galina Tyunin) and Eternal Alice (Tatiana Piletskaya). Margarita has been waiting for a return or at least a call of his beloved, but not wait. Benedict is going to marry a stewardess Fanny (Ulyana Dobrovskaya, a director's daughter). However, Fanny goes to another flight and dies (remember the film "Sky. Aircraft. Girl"). Killed Grief Benedict with longing converges with the sister of the deceased Faine (Sophia Ernst). They are born their son, which, at the insistence, Margarita is called Hugo - so the name of her disappeared lover. Or maybe it's he returned? It is difficult to say - in the house where an additional thirteenth (or twenty-fifth) hour is provided on the clock, and live deer wanders along the corridors, anything happens. In any case, after the death of Fanny walked in the fields in the fields, the chests with family money begin to rot from the inside, and the house gradually comes into disrepair, approaching the inevitable and unpredictable final.

For any familiar with Cinema Litvinova in this long and confused, there is nothing surprising. All three of her films when viewed seem completely transparent, but at the same time elude the translation to some language, except once chosen by the author. The plots are developing here in associative logic, dramaturgy - according to the laws of the architecture of dreams. However, all repetitive motives and favorite items on the spot: Favorite names (Rita, Faina, Fanny), Music of Zemfira Ramazanova's composer, compulsory presence in the frame of Translator Vasily Gorchakov (here he played a valet) and the general mood of an inexpressible romantic tomression. All this develops into an independent one-piece world, and the films become heavily excursions in its corners. If we talk about the changes that occurred in this world for eight years, which passed with the last "last tale of Rita", that is, such. "Rita" and "Goddess" were, oddly enough, in many ways about the city - and such Moscow, as in Rita, in the Russian cinema has never been. It was the city of dreams, walls, behind the wrapper of which secrets are hidden, and monuments, ready to come to the rescue in love. "North wind" only twice allows themselves familiar circumstances of the place: in the final and in a dizzying outlet on the roof of the GUM.

On the other hand, Litvinova, for the first time, it seems, in the career was the budget to create his magic space almost exactly as it was represented. Yes, "North Wind" can annoy the fact that it is impossible to understand it to the end, but this movie is not only strange, but also fascinatingly beautiful. Well, of course, branded Litvinovsky phrases remain unchanged, tightly cut into memory. For example: "We have bad people for bad things." Or: "It seems to me that we are very drinking. - Let drinking, but beautiful. " Horrible climate, terrible, yes.

Photo: SPRD

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