5 documentaries about children-adderkinda and their parents

5 documentaries about children-adderkinda and their parents 402_1

Four-year American Artist, Young Musicians, Spelling Contest and Sergey Polunin

The cult of gifted children has been there for many years: an adult audience with a special admiration is following the success of the priests. But how is the life of these children in more mature age? Can a child become a welderkind without supporting parents and no victims?

Our new selection gathered 5 interesting documentary films for you, the directors of whom decided to understand this phenomena.

My baby could draw it

My Kid Could Paint That, 2007

Director: Amir Bar Lev

Have you ever helped your child make a cradle in a kindergarten or make school homework? If the answer to this question is "yes", then when viewing this film you will run goosebumps.

A four-year-old gauze from New York has become the most successful young modern artist in the history of fine art - collectors had to stand in line to wait for her new works. Triumph should certainly have been to happen in Los Angeles, but a few days before the opening of the exhibition in this city, the "60 minutes" of Charlie Rose was released in Prime-Time on television.

The journalistic investigation has shown that some pictures behind the girl did a dad and often persistently advised it to use more spectacular color solutions. It was bitter truth or media mine?

The documentary film Amir Bar-leva is trying to figure out the history of a small artist Marla, her parents, and also that this case generally tells us about the state of contemporary art. Although the peak of the media of this plot was already traveled, the film looks still fascinating - it is especially interesting to follow how the behavior of the girl's parents changes, when they were between two lights: the desire to protect their child from injury and at the same time to make money on " Children's creativity, "while the daughter did not lose his star status and did not turn into an ordinary schoolgirl.

Alpography experts


Director: Sam Roaga

A well-known children's spelling bee spelling competition traditionally passes in America - it is believed that this grammatical tradition originated in the middle of the nineteenth century. The rules in the competition are pretty tough: each participant goes to the stage, the lead calls some kind of definite word, and the schoolboy must pronounce the letters, as it is written - something like an oral public dictation. If the child was mistaken, he immediately dropped out of the game.

Such contests are held at each individual school, and at the regional level, and if the child took a certain place in the ranking of his state - he will be sent to the final national competition. Since 1985, an interesting trend has emerged in the competition - in the final round, the Americans of Indian origin began to occupy, children from Migrant families in the first or maximum second generation.

The director of the film is asked: What features of immigrants from India help them win in the competition? One of the answers to this question is a natural multilingualism for India, in which children from an early age speak in several languages ​​and perfectly learn to distinguish languages ​​from each other (this skill helps in English spelling, as it is often important to understand what language it was borrowed from which language This or that word is not to be mistaken in his spelling).

The focus of the film is largely on the role of the family in the preparation of the winners of the competition: some parents are developing special training programs for their children, connect their older brothers and sisters to workouts, travel along with children to competitions to other states and maintain them in case of Defeat.

Perhaps this is just the main promise of this tape: no child will succeed in the competition without supporting loved ones, it is important to build your own training system and not to immortalize children's genius. And whether the teenager will be useful someday knowledge about how the word PROMYSHLENNIK is written in English, this is another question.

Russian Wunderkinds


Director: Irene Langeman

The Russian tradition of musical education for children knows all over the world. The documentary film of the German director Irene Langeman explores the life of students of the famous Central Music School at the Moscow Conservatory.

Foreign viewers struck both high educational standards documented in tape and heavy domestic conditions of children - not every student had money to buy their own tools, and some families of heroes lived in publications.

In the "Russian Wunderkindah" four main protagonists. The youngest - girl Ira - eight years - in the film there is a scene in which it is just taken in the CSM. The eldest - Lena is seventeen. Under the example of Lena, it is especially brightly shown, as heavily welderkindam is given to transform from gifted children in ordinary adults, which, in the music market, suddenly compete with all other adult pianists. Yesterday you were invited to play a solo concert for Pope Roman, and tomorrow your name will disappear from poster.

Competitors: Russian Wunderkind II


Ten years after reaching the screens of the first film, Langeman took off the continuation called "Competitors" on how the life of her heroes changed during this time.

It turned out a rather bitter testimony of an unfair device of the world of classical music, in which it is simply necessary to become a winner of some prestigious competition for your solo career to go to the mountain.


The Dancer, 2017

Director: Stephen Kantor

The documentary film Stephen Kantor is trying to solve the mystery, perhaps the most scandalous ballet soloist of recent years - Sergey Polunina.

Childhood in Kherson, gymnastics, admission to the Kiev ballet school, ballet boarding school in London, parental divorce, leading soloist troupe at 19 years old, nervous breakdown, depression, advertising contracts.

It is difficult to believe that this is all not artistic fiction, but the real biography of the young artist: when the director began working on the film, halfnin was only 22 years old. Naturally, the film intrigued many spectators, because it affects the drug use scandal, the overall transsion of Polunin, the refusal of speeches and a sudden return to them. Many saw in the picture the hard criticism of modern ballet arts with his crank hierarchy and a multitude of prohibitions.

But if you look at this movie through parental optics, then the main problem is here such: what kind of victim is ready to go the family of the child, noting his giftedness?

All Sergey's relatives were literally forced to disperse on earnings in different countries to allow him to learn. Was this load too heavy for a teenager? Is it possible to find a balance between parental sacrifice and support? And should schools for gifted children change so that such family drama makes less - that is there a systemic solution of such problems? However, there are no specific answers to these questions about these questions, of course, does not give.

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