Trellier - Necessary Support for Good Growth Grapes


    Good afternoon, my reader. Grapes have always been considered a thermal-loving culture. Now it is grown in the middle lane of Russia. Therefore, there are more and more ordarnians interested in good growing and rich grape harvest.

    Trellier - Necessary Support for Good Growth Grapes 3988_1
    Slear - Necessary support for good grape growth Maria Verbilkova

    Trelliers. (Photo used by standard license ©

    One of the main moments of grapes is considered a garter. Trellier is the perfect device for this.

    The main reason for the need for garter is minimizing the risk of grape infection with fungal diseases or harmful insects. Slear will help in this.


    • will provide good air exchange and access of sunlight;
    • will support the grape vine, and this reduces the load on the plant;
    • Good oxygen access contributes to the rapid ripening of berries, they will be larger and sweet.

    Distinguish two types of garters:

    1. "Dry" - the holder put in early spring when frost is no longer. The binding of grapes should be done before the kidneys will open.
    2. "Green" is performed in the period when the plant is at the growing stage after the blooming of the kidneys. It is carried out as culture is growing

    Take the grapes worth the second year. In the first year after landing to support the vine, pegs or small planks can be used.

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    Slear - Necessary support for good grape growth Maria Verbilkova

    Grapes. (Photo used by standard license ©

    For the manufacture, the tag will need:

    • Stakes. For them, the following materials are suitable - concrete, metal or wood;
    • For garter use fabric. In no case do not use the twine, fishing line or a thin rope. It crashes into the vine and can damage its structure.

    If you use a wooden sleeper as a support, it should be first treated with copper vitriol and coat with a resin. This will prolong its service life.

    The sleeper is bought into the ground at a distance of 50 cm from the plant. By setting the support, apply a vine to it and grab in several places.

    Be sure to tighten the wire on the chopler. This will help the grapes "navigate" where to grow. When grapes begin to master the wire, then the vine should be tied to it.

    Place a grape culture with kidneys in a vertical position: it slows down the development of the lower level. Slear is designed to provide equal conditions for all areas with kidneys on the vines.

    Please note that wooden supports can be damaged or grown with time. Therefore, they must be inspected regularly. In case of damage, you can replace part of the support or the entire entire.

    Place the installation of trellis and, accordingly, grape landing is of great importance.

    It must be sunny and at the same time well ventilated. Sometimes the vine bumps down, and if the plant lacks blowing, it starts to dry. The leaves are yellow, and the berry becomes small and lack.

    Trellier - Necessary Support for Good Growth Grapes 3988_3
    Slear - Necessary support for good grape growth Maria Verbilkova

    Grapes. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Grapes loves watering. The abundance of water should be withstanding and the sleeper. Therefore, be prepared for regular support checks, especially the part that is in the ground.

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