Best brands of garden vacuum cleaners for garbage collection


The technique is all wider in our lives. So instead of Garden Rabel, special vacuum cleaners appeared for cleaning garbage in the garden and on lawns. They use stable demand, and the range of these devices on the market is expanding all the time.

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Types of garden vacuum cleaners

Garden vacuum cleaners differ little from ordinary homework in their functions and appearance. If we talk about the main functional purpose of these devices, it can be said that this is a device for cleaning and, how allows the equipment of some models, garbage processing. There are many grounds for which the types of such vacuum cleaners are separated. But the main classification is the way they are mobility. Therefore, you can select manual, bad and wheeled.Manual models

Manual models are used in small sections, where the cleaning area is small and cleaning conditions are constrained. These models, as a rule, weigh little, are compact, easily repaired, weakly noisy. But they have their own minuses that are that such a vacuum cleaner can only be transferred manually, it has a small container for collecting waste, sometimes there is not enough power for cleaning large garbage. Of the three types of engine in these devices, such as gasoline, electrical and rechargeable, the most optimal selection can be considered battery models. Despite the fact that the battery needs to be constantly recharged, such a vacuum cleaner does not release exhaust gases, does not depend on the length of the cord, light and compact.


This variety of vacuum cleaners is more suitable for the sections of the average size and even for large areas. Almost all models in the Ranger version are supplied with a gasoline engine, which gives full autonomy and a long cycle of work. At the same time, both hands are free for work. The garbage bags are medium in size, so it is not necessary to free them with such a frequency, like manual models. The disadvantages include noise, vibration, exhaust gases, the need to periodically replenish fuel reserves.


Such models are used on large areas, as they can be used to process several hectares at once. They have a high productivity, the large capacity of the garbage bag, easily move along the cleaned area, have an acceptable power for cleaning enough garbage, some models have a shredder, which processes waste into a small fraction. The disadvantages are mostly the following: the complexity of heavy equipment management, difficulties with the release of a large bag filled with garbage, and exhaust gases from a gasoline engine. But after all, their advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Principles of choice of vacuum cleaner

As already mentioned, the main criterion of choice is the area of ​​the retractable territory. In addition, the selected model must be comfortable. For small sites, manual windows are suitable, that is, when the vacuum cleaner does not turn on to suction, but to blow air to sleep with the lawn foliage and small garbage. The average sections with a moderate number of garbage is more convenient to clean with the help of key models, and model on wheels to use on large areas. Such vacuum cleaners are suitable and where you need to immediately recycle large trash. For this, they have a function of grinding waste. Also, these models are good where there is no possibility to use electrical models due to the lack of a power grid. But the noise published by the ranked and wheeled vehicles seriously interferes with the neighbors during the cleaning of the site. Therefore, it is better not to carry out work in the morning and evening.

If you still decide to purchase any model, you should first get acquainted with the instructions and see the specifications. Some model of garden vacuum cleaners can be equipped with additional options. These include the primer, that is, the air flow power meter. Vibration damper is responsible for mitigating the oscillations of the device arising when the internal combustion engine is operating to which the two-stroke engine belongs. Power lock applies to remove an excessive hand load. The switching function from the absorption process to the process of blowing allows not only to collect, but also place the garbage.

And the next choice factor, of course, is the price. Many models almost do not differ according to functions, power, bag tanks. But they can vary significantly at a price. Typically, the difference in price depends on the manufacturer and the quality of parts, of which the vacuum cleaner is collected. If you decide to stay in the cheapest version, be prepared for the fact that the vacuum cleaner you bought will be constantly in repair.

Now let's start a review of models that have deserved customer approval in the outgoing year.

Manual networks operating from the network


Not the most powerful vacuum cleaner is distinguished by compactness and ease of operation. His own minor weight and a bag of 1.3 kilograms of garbage allow a person who works with him, not to get tired during the cleaning process. The vacuum cleaner can produce airflow speed up to 180 m³ / hour.

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But the cost of this model is only about 1.5 thousand rubles, which makes it an attractive purchase for those who have a very small plot, and a little garbage on it. It can work on both suction and blowing.

Champion EB4510.

A fairly powerful apparatus for its class of vacuum cleaners. It has absorption and inflatable modes. The garbage collection bag is quite bulky and accommodates 45 liters. This apparatus can be collected by foliage, old and freshly copied grass, fine garbage on the plot.

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The vacuum cleaner has a small weight and is convenient when working in manual mode.

In its class one of the most powerful devices. The Chinese vacuum cleaner copes well with a small garbage on small summer cottages. The vacuum cleaner weighs only 2 kilograms with an empty garbage bag, therefore, it is controlled by even one hand.

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For such sizes and dimensions, the device has a rather strong engine of 2500 W, which makes it possible to produce the speed of the air flow to 180 m³ / hour. This garden vacuum cleaner traditionally works on the cleaning of the landscape, inflating garbage from the lawns and from under shrubs and on suction, collecting waste into the garbage bag.


In this vacuum cleaner, in addition to the two traditional functions of the work, there is also the inclusion option. Chinese producers took care of power by putting a 3 kW engine, which gives air flow speed up to 86 m / s.

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And although the device is quite expensive, its strength is even enough for cleaning and processing of garbage of the average fractions.

Advantages: High Power; chopper garbage; high-quality assembly; Comfortable bag for waste.

Disadvantages: High price; No belt, great weight.

Ikra Mogatec LS BV 2800 E

German manufacturers have released a fairly compact and convenient device with a good degree of grinding of garbage 1: 10 and at quite a deocratic price. Telescopic suction tube rod is convenient for people of any growth. The device works sufficiently silently, despite the quite turning engine.

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The suction degree can be adjusted in three modes. The comfortable belt reduces the stress on the hands when collecting garbage.

Grunhelm VB-28

One of the most budget versions of a manual garden vacuum cleaner with good characteristics. The model besides operation in two absorption and inflatable modes, it also has a function of grinding garbage.

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The powerful engine provides high-quality collection of light garbage from the site.

Rechargeable garden vacuum cleaners

This more expensive category of manual vacuum cleaners allows not to be attached to the power source, but allows you to work on large areas of plots.

Black & Decker GWC3600L20

Works in two standard absorption and inflatable modes. In addition, the speed of the air flow can be adjusted. The rechargeable battery is enough for more than 30 minutes of productive work, and at least an hour takes at least an hour.

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The vacuum cleaner is equipped with a garbage grinding function. The unit is quite lightweight, with a comfortable handle and has small dimensions. It is possible to connect directly to the power grid.

Advantages: Easy; Small dimensions; the presence of chopper; adjustment of the degree of suction; Low noise.

Disadvantages: High price; Short battery life, small garbage collector.

GreenWorks GD40BV 24227.

This vacuum cleaner can remove areas of a fairly large area. He has adjustable modes of operation and garbage chopper.

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The powerful engine creates a sufficiently high suction rate, which allows you to qualitatively remove the smooth surfaces of the lawns. Despite this, the vacuum cleaner is quite easy and convenient to use.

Advantages: High performance; little weight; average price.

Disadvantages: in the kit there is no charger; Quickly discharges the battery.

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Inexpensive and compact apparatus, which is good to use for collecting small sera in the country areas.

It does not have high power. But for its value, it works well with the basic functions of collecting and inflating garbage on flat sites.

Advantages: Low price; little weight; Compactness.

Disadvantages: no battery bundled; Small charging battery capacity.

Range and wheelchair vacuum cleaners

This category contains vacuum cleaners related to high-power devices with a wide range of functions that have a significant degree of autonomy.

McCulloch GBV 345.

In this Ranger model with a gasoline engine of medium power there is a garbage mulch function, which is assembled into a rather bulky bag with a capacity of 45 liters. A small and easy device can be used in the medium sections.

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Mulching function turns garbage into fertilizers for plants, which is very convenient because there is no need to constantly return to the place of storage of collected waste.

Husqvarna 125BVX

This vacuum cleaner of a well-known company is very popular among Russian buyers. Attracts its balanced power and sizes, a complete set of functions and the presence of Smart Start.

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The total fraction of garbage after grinding is obtained 1: 16.

Pretty capacious fuel tank allows for a long time to work offline.

Ryobi RBV26BP.

This machine works only with the function of the garbage blow. It is best suited for foliage from lawns. It is compact and has a small weight.

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She is from new models of vacuum cleaners that are on the market. This is a wheeled vacuum cleaner for harvesting large areas. He has an original design of the garbage collector for 60 liters with a cutting off dust, there is a garbage grinding function and three modes of operation. At the same time, a vacuum cleaner is not too powerful engine and an increased noise level. Given the cost of the model, it can be said that this is not the most successful development in the class of wheeled vacuum cleaners.

This vacuum cleaner has a four-stroke gasoline engine. Its power allows you to remove large parking areas. The grinding function makes it possible to recycle garbage during the collection process, and the cutting bag for its collection - for a long time autonomously use the device.

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All models that are presented in this review have their advantages and disadvantages. Given this, when choosing, you need to decide that it is most important for you from the functions and on which areas will have to work. It is also necessary to focus on the budget that you are willing to allocate to buy a garden vacuum cleaner for cleaning garbage.

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