What you need to know about the birth of the future mothers


The woman is 9 months old under the heart of a little man, loves him, represents a long-awaited meeting. But, together with positive

, the future mother is experiencing anxiety and fear, especially if she has not yet gave birth and does not know what it is. To be ready for the upcoming test, you need to prepare in advance and enjoy the expectation, instead of tormented from the lack of answers to numerous


What you need to know about the birth of the future mothers 3949_1

What could face the future mother at the time of birth?

Unfortunately, not always the appearance of a new person goes smoothly. As a rule, the Hife will have a difficult test, and you need to be ready for what will happen with her body.

1. Chills. A woman can know in the process of childbirth, but it happens not because of the cold. The chills begins due to blood pressure surges, which must control the doctor. It may also be fever due to a small increase in temperature, which is sometimes found in the female inheniars.

What you need to know about the birth of the future mothers 3949_2

3. Nausea and vomiting. Such a condition is quite often experiencing women in labor. It may be due to blood pressure jumps, and even vomiting appears when the cervix is ​​quickly disclosed. Vomiting can begin if childbirth is rapidly, and the future mother recently took food.

4. Imaging. A woman can visit special courses, prepare for the upcoming birth, watch videos or read literature, but at the time of birth, all the knowledge gained turns into solid fear. It is necessary to try to calm down and remember the necessary information that will help easier to transfer the process of childbirth.

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6. Unwillingness to see the newborn. It would seem that the woman was waiting for the appearance of the baby, and when she put a slippery, bluish creature on her breasts, she had only a feeling of squeamishness. You should not be afraid of this, after a couple of hours you will see the crumb, and the wave of maternal love will swell you. After childbirth, the body is very tired and survived a strong stress, so he needs some time to restore.

7. Panic husband. Increasingly with wives in the maternity hospital, future dads are sent. A woman is a delightful picture, as a beloved man carefully holds her hand, wipes the sweat from his forehead, whispering the word support. In reality, the female can face another situation. A man falls into a panic when he sees the torment of his wife, he can become bad, and some completely run away. Do not think that you got a weak person who even childbirth cannot survive. Men arranged differently, so they begin to keep themselves wrong, as WHO WALL WOULD. Seeing the suffering of his beloved, the husband understands that it is not able to help her, relieve her pain, so he falls into a stupor or hurry to leave, so as not to interfere with the natural process. If you are not sure that the husband will cope, it is better to go to the hospital without him. After you arrive with the baby home, a loved one will be able to show your best paternal qualities.

Required information for future mothers

1. How the process begins. On the beginning of the generic activity, a woman can learn in several signs. She can move water or start regular contractions, which will later grow into at night. To the beginning of childbirth, there is no surprise for the future mother, it is better to fold the necessary documents in advance and collect things. Then you will be left to call an ambulance and wait for you to be taken to the maternity hospital.

What you need to know about the birth of the future mothers 3949_4

2. Fight. Some women can confuse false contractions with real. False contractions can begin from the 20th week, but some future mothers are not faced with them. If the fights are regular, last 15-20 seconds, the pain gradually increases, it means that you are in childbirth. Came up time between fights, and it will help determine, false or real battle.

3. Periods of childbirth. The first period is the preparation of a female organism for childbirth. At this time, labor paths are expanding, the uterus is slowly revealed. The second period is the appearance of a baby to the light. The third period - the release of the last.

What you need to know about the birth of the future mothers 3949_5

5. Feeling pain. In the usual life, a person can survive about 45 DEL (in these units, pain measure). The female restaurant is experiencing about 55-57 del. It is said that in sensations it can be compared with the simultaneous fracture of 20 bones. Unfortunately, the feminine is painful, without this it is impossible to present the child's appearance. Sometimes women make epidural anesthesia to facilitate the state, but the anesthesia has a number of contraindications, so they will not all be able to get a few hours of long-awaited rest. Futive mothers should not be bought in the upcoming pain. On the contrary, you need to configure yourself that everything will go well, because the main thing is the birth of a healthy baby.

Life stories


"My pregnancy went easily, I walked a lot, enjoyed the waiting, even with my husband flew to the sea. About childbirth tried not to think. I understood that something was the grandiose that the process would deliver a lot of pain, but the result will be the birth of our beloved baby. Mom told about how difficult it was to give birth to me, but during the pregnancy I tried to abstract from any negative. Birth began on time, and everything went, as it should be. Getting started at the bottom of the abdomen, then the water moved away. In the maternity department, I did the enema, then I rested a little, and then the contractions began. I managed to extend every fight, and it greatly facilitated pain. After a few fence, our son was born. I remember, immediately after his appearance, I began to beat a strong chill. The midwife only showed the baby and said that he would not be put to me, because the body was fought in real convulsions. But in a couple of hours they brought me a son, and here I gave the will of tears. I cried with happiness that now I am a mom that we easily experienced childbirth that my son was born healthy. All future mothers want to wish the same lungs like me. "
What you need to know about the birth of the future mothers 3949_6


"I remember your childbirth with horror. More precisely, I try not to remember them at all. It was solid pain, fear, panic and hysterics. I was lucky that there were good midwives and doctors nearby, who constantly supported me and encouraged me. The disclosure did not go, I put a stimulating dropper, constantly listened to the heart of the child. This means that I had to lie on my back with the sensors, but to survive the contractions in the lying position is incredibly hard. Then they thought to make a cesarean cross section, as a result, gave birth to herself. I think that a woman who survived childbirth is a heroine, and is worthy of only admiration. Despite the heavy childbirth, I want kids, but a little later. The pain can be survived, because then the real happiness comes, and you become a mom of a tiny lump, which you love with all my heart. For this, I am ready for any tests. " Pregnant women, especially those who first become a mom, must be prepared for the upcoming birth: to collect things, documents, if possible, visit courses for future mothers, read about the process of childbirth. But it is necessary to realize that all pain will be forgotten very quickly, because the result of childbirth will be a beautiful, native, beloved kid, whom parents waited so much.

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