Amphitrite - Sea Queen Eldla

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Amphitrite - Sea Queen Eldla

Poseidon was one of the most famous ancient Greek deities, the Lord of the Seas, who was honored both people and other gods. However, next to him was always the sea queen, amphitrite, which is not much referred to.

Nevertheless, the ancient legends have retained information about this goddess. Unlike the famous gera, Zeus's wife, Amphitrite did not participate in the stripping, did not build a goat, although the nature of Poseidon left much to be desired. What is interesting for the sea lady?

Union of opposites

I am sure you had to hear more than once or even become a witness to the stories of two spouses, in which the mutual income playing only a positive role. The same can be said about the Amphitrite Union and Poseidon.

Initially, this goddess was considered, like her mighty spouse, the patronage of the marine element, but over time, such a status was departed to the background. In later myths, Amphitrite performs only the role of spouse, having transferred her divine duties with her husband.

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Poseidon's wife of Amphitrite's goddess

Traditions say that Poseidon and his wife were completely different in characters. If the god of the sea often fell into the rage, carrying the threat to the navigators, then Amfitrite could calm the rebellious husband with his voice alone. That is why the seaflings used for the sailors who asked the goddess to pacify the goddess of Poseidon, allowed to give them to their native shores.

Amphitrite - Neret, who has become a goddess

As in many other Greek deities, Amphitrite had a Roman "colleague", the image that the people of ancient Rome borrowed from Hellenian mythology. She was sagging, patroness of salty waters.

Nevertheless, I noticed significant differences in the characters of these, at first glance, similar to the goddesses. Amphitrite was the embodiment of peace and peace, but the Salaction often showed militancy and severeness.

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Georg Engelhard Schröder "Amphitrite or Allegory of Water"

Amphitrite was worshiped as a goddess, and over time they began to mention it in legends in such a way. Despite this, it is not quite true to call her deity. She belonged to nimphs-nonbeid.

As Homer says, there were about fifty such creatures, and they all had subsidized the naval gods Doride and Nerevy (the nickname of marine old man was fixed). Many of Neremid saved sailors during shipwrecks, tried to help people, warning about impending storms.

Each of the nymph had its own name, which could mean a specific symbol. There was no exception and name of amphitrite. Translated from Greek it means "environment" and "third". You can decipher this in different ways.

Either Amphitrite was the third herd daughter (however, the myths do not indicate it), or refers to the third element of the element, which water performed. But the "environment" could act as the ocean itself, the patronage of which was amphitrite. By the way, Titan Okean was a direct relative of all nonreide, so they inherited the great power of their ancestor.

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Amphirtitis - the goddess of the ocean, the wife of Poseidon, the mother of Triton.

The appearance of amphitrite

About amphitrite not so much tales. The ancient Greeks often compared her with the Sea himself, not mentioning the name of the Goddess. But this does not mean that Amphitrite was treated without proper respect. Even in early legends, for example, in the works of Homer, information is already present about it. Hellensky poet says amphitrite appears among guests at the feast of Apollo.

How did amphitrite looked? It is no secret that there were a lot of female deities in ancient Greek Pantheon, and therefore every goddess had to be given by distinctive features, attributes that were not from others. Amphitrite is difficult not to know. It is depicted in the crown of crab claws. Often the goddess rushes along the waves in the chariot, harnessed horses or fantastic sea creatures.

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Meeting with Poseidon

I get acquainted with the history of amphitrite, I was constantly interested, how she met with Poseidon, and where the history of love of such dissimilar characters began. On this expense, legends give us the two versions. According to one of them, the Supreme God Zeus is tired of the permanent settlements of the sea, which caused the difficult temper of his brother Poseidon.

On the advice of the thumbnail, Maritime Lord married Beauty Amphitrite, thanks to which Poseidon became peaceful and stopped. True, going to wander in its endless possessions, the power of his wife over Poseidon weakens, and therefore the sea is being worried again.

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Ferdinand Pain "Poseidon and Amphitrite", 1661-1663

A more common version is somewhat different. In the Aegean Sea, where the maritime lord began to walk, he met the beauties of Nered. Among all the sisters, he noticed Amphitrite, from which he could not take eye. That's just a girl reciprocating God at all in no hurry.

To hide from the persistent bridegroom, Amphitrite was hidden in Atlanta's possessions. Understanding that he could not do anything himself, Poseidon sent in search of the beloved Dolphin. An excellent creation was able to persuade Nered to marry the sea king.

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Jacob de Hein "Poseidon and Amphitrite"

Amphitrite realized that only she would be able to pacify the difficult temper of Poseidon, thereby giving harmony and tranquility to those who go to the sea. It is truth to say, it seems to me that the originally severe marine lord came to his soul, who decided to force him to compete for happiness.

This unusual and intriguing was the history of amphitrite, Nered, who later became the main sea goddess. Beautiful and mysterious, she embodied the sea in a quiet clock. Amphitrite for sailors Eldlas was a symbol of the charming and peaceful beauty of marine expanses. But it was not worth forgetting that Poseidon, the God of the Holy and Storm Ocean always beside her always.

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