What did the deputy on the departure for departure from Belarus this year


At the end of last year, a storm of discussion caused a proposal to introduce a new tax - for the intersection of the border on the car they want to take 87 rubles. An indignation caused the fact of charging money for the movement of a motorist abroad, the fact of the opportunity to leave the country by car only for a fee. During the round table, legislative innovations raised the topic of not the very existence of the tax, but first of all the deadlines for its implementation, Onliner.by.

What did the deputy on the departure for departure from Belarus this year 394_1

The essence of tax

The innovation was mentioned in the draft law "On changing the Tax Code". The regional councils of deputies may allow to introduce local fees for the intersection by vehicles, the maximum mass of which does not exceed 5 tons, the Granites of Belarus in the checkpoints in the amount of no more than 3 basic values. Today, three basic quantities are 81 rubles. Other conditions specified in the draft law: "The number of passengers does not affect the amount, the driver should pay. Payment must be made before intersection or when crossing the State Government. The control is assigned to the border guards and customs officers. "

The board are exempt: heads of state and government officials, official delegations, diplomatic structures; persons following the funeral of family members who accompany the dead for burial; disabled people and participants of the Second World War, persons with disabilities I and II Groups, as well as their accompanying; participants in the elimination of the catastrophe for the Chernobyl persons leaving for treatment; participants of sports, cultural, educational events; with humanitarian aid, as well as other categories defined by the regional councils of deputies.

As a deadline called the period from January 1, 2021 to January 1, 2023. The official cause of the proposal is to compensate for expenses due to COVID-19. According to the Minister of Finance, Yuri Seliverstov, the collected funds, taking into account the pandemic, can be sent to disinfection measures to provide the necessary checkpoints.

Deputy: "If the local council of deputies accepted such a decision, then it takes effect only from January 1 of the next year"

Today, BelTA publishes the quotes of the speakers of the round table on innovation issues in the Administrative Code and Picoap. During the discussion, the question of the border crossing tax was raised. "Probably if the myth is. Now they went to appeal: "What have you been renovated, if now for departure from the country you need to pay. And if we do not pay money, we will not be released, and fines, and so on, "Irina spoke Dated, a member of the Permanent Commission on the Legislation of the Chamber of Representatives of Police RB. - I say, and where did you get any such innovations from? Additions to the Tax Code at the end of 2020 were taken, but the Tax Code contains only the right of local councils of deputies to introduce tax on, so let's say this opportunity to leaving the country. That is, if this region is for example, Brest, Grodno, Gomel region - borders. But if the local council of deputies accepted such a decision, then it comes into force only on January 1 of the next year. This year, such solutions were not accepted. Accordingly, such responsibility today is nothing in any way. For a moment, in general, the boundaries are closed - let's start with this. "

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